Conservatives Cling to Faux Outrage over Critical Race Theory

Elwood Watson is a Professor of History, Black studies, and Gender and Sexuality studies, at East Tennessee State University.  He is also an author and public speaker. Unless you’ve been in a deeply comatose state, you’ve probably noticed the profoundly intense battles occurring, over the issue of Critical Race Theory,

Ignorance Leads to Fear; Fear Leads to Disaster

Arthur C. Donart, Ph. D. wrote this essay. There was considerable focus in the media over the recent Governor’s race in Virginia, and rightly so.  The GOP candidate, Glen Youngkin, promised that if voters elected him, he would, “on day one” (trite cliché) abolish the teaching of Critical Race Theory

Are Veterans the Heroes Who Keep On Giving?

Danny Tyree welcomes email responses at I’m not complaining, but after 23 years of column writing, it becomes increasingly challenging to find new angles for recurring events, such as Mother’s Day or Memorial Day. So, when it came time to write about Veterans Day (again), I sought inspiration by

What a Difference a Word Makes!

Dr. Arthur C. Donart, Ph. D. wrote this essay. I use to be on the Editorial Board of Timely Issues in Education while I was an Assistant Professor of English at Western Illinois University in Macomb.  There were three of us, and we read all articles that were submitted for

Democracy Doesn’t Work Well, Unless It Is Democratic

Dr. Arthur C. Donart, Ph. D. wrote this essay. I have long believed voting in our elections is a sacred duty.  I am a Korean Conflict Veteran and was unable to vote until I was 21 years of age.  In the midst of the Vietnam War we constantly would hear

Abortion:  Confession of a Pro-Life Turncoat

This essay was written by Dr. Arthur C. Donart, Ph. I grew up in a pre-Vatican II Catholic Church.  I studied for the Priesthood in a Franciscan minor seminary for two years.  There, one learns not to question authority, or Church teaching for that matter.  We memorized the Baltimore Catechism

It Was Always Going to End This Way in Afghanistan

Dick Polman, a veteran National political Columnist based in Philadelphia and a Writer in Residence at the University of Pennsylvania, writes at  Email Anyone who professes to be shocked by the Taliban victory in Afghanistan has not been paying attention. It was always bound to happen.  It was

Big Memories of Little League

Peter Funt wrote this essay on Wednesday, August 18, 2021. The thwack of a baseball colliding with a bat and the thump of a folded newspaper landing on a porch are sounds I cherish.  They’re rewinding for me this month, while watching the Little League World Series. As a kid,

What’s Happening in Afghanistan is a Tragedy

Christine Flowers is an Attorney and a Columnist for the Delaware County Daily Times. Reach her at I’ve been practicing immigration law for over 25 years, and I speak four languages fluently.  I’ve traveled widely outside of the United States and lived abroad for large stretches in the 1980s

Border Fiasco Ensures Tight Mid-Term Races

Joe Guzzardi is a Progressives for Immigration Reform analyst, who has written about immigration for more than 30 years. Contact him at In 2019, former Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said that the first thing he did, when he arrived at his office, was to check the

Have You Thanked a School Bus Driver Lately?

Danny Tyree welcomes email responses at Yes, bus drivers are trapped in a work environment where rubber bands and paper footballs fly freely; where No. 2 pencils are irresistibly drawn toward major arteries; where First-Graders are exposed to birds-and-bees lectures by Sophomores (“If the bee has dreamy hair and

Dumbing Down Our Kids of Color

Michael Reagan, is the son of President Ronald Reagan, an author, a speaker, and President of the Reagan Legacy Foundation.  Email The left is truly dumbing down America’s kids.  It’s nothing new.  But based on the insane education policy recently implemented by the State of Oregon, it looks like

The Media is Missing the Story on Violent Crime

Rich Manieri is a Professor of Journalism at Asbury University in Kentucky.  Reach him at “It’s interesting when people die,” wrote Don Henley in the anti-media-sensationalism song “Dirty Laundry,” back in 1982.  Not much has changed since.  There are more media outlets and platforms than ever, but tragedy still

Biden Keeps Walking Back Trump’s Border Policies

Joe Guzzardi is a Progressives for Immigration Reform Analyst who has written about immigration for more than 30 years.  Contact him at In a move consistent with the Biden administration’s walk back of former President Donald Trump’s tougher immigration actions and guidelines, the Department of Homeland Security announced it

Offense and Controversy are Necessary in a Free Society

Christine Flowers is an Attorney and a Columnist for the Delaware County Daily Times; she can be reached at The other day, someone reminded me that I had a public Facebook page entitled “Christine Flowers, Columnist and Radio Host.”  I rarely post there, which is why I’d almost forgotten