Thank You for Being Mannerly

Tom Purcell, creator of the infotainment site, is a Pittsburgh Tribune-Review humor columnist. Email him at “No problem.” That is how I used to reply to people who thanked me, for holding the door open for them or for offering some other small gesture. I don’t know where

Sad to See the Vitriol Spewed at Queen Elizabeth II

Christine Flowers is an Attorney and a Columnist for the Delaware County Daily Times, and can be reached at I expected the Irish schadendfruede. Although I generally identify as Italian (primarily, because of the food, family, and temper); my father had red hair, freckles, and some relatives in County

Is Putin Facing Defeat?

Columnist Greg Sargent wrote this editorial/interview on Monday, September 12, 2022. In mid-March, [2022,] less than a month after Russia invaded Ukraine, Political Scientist Francis Fukuyama offered a striking prediction: Ukraine will win. Six months later, Ukraine is on the offensive and is recapturing key territory, amid signs of weakening

Letter From Former Sheriff Schipper

Dear Editor: As [Whiteside County, IL,] Sheriff, I hired both John Booker and his opponent. I know both of them well. Without any hesitation, I support John Booker for re-election as Sheriff. John Booker has done an amazing job as our Sheriff. When I first supported him, I knew he

Endorsements for John Booker

I am honored to be Whiteside County’s Democratic Nominee for the Office of Whiteside County Sheriff. I want to extend my heartfelt thank you to the voters who supported me in this Primary race. I am grateful to receive the nomination of the Democratic Party, along with the support of

Pitcher Became Congressional Representative and Senator

Joe Guzzardi is a Progressives for Immigration Reform analyst, who has written about immigration for more than 30 years. Contact him at Copyright 2022 Joe Guzzardi, distributed by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate. On Father’s Day, 1964, Philadelphia Phillies’ right-hander Jim Bunning pitched a “perfect game” against the New York

Who Will Replace Cheri Bustos? You Decide.

This essay was written by Arthur C. Donart, Ph.D. He stated, “Full disclosure: As Assistant Professor of English at Western Illinois University and President of the W.I.U. Federation of Professors, I led the drive for “Collective Bargaining” in 1973. Later, I supported Senator Bernie Sanders for the Democratic Presidential nomination.”

McCombie Memorial Day Op Ed and Veterans Affairs Update

“This weekend, while many Illinoisans will enjoy time off relaxing, cleaning up the yard, hosting barbecues, swimming, fishing, going to ball games, and hitting the road to visit loved ones, many others will be taking time to commemorate Memorial Day. [This is] a day that means so much to Gold

Democracy on the Rocks: Can We Save It?

Arthur C. Donart, Ph.D., wrote this essay. It’s Primary time and the political ads are on the air. Unfortunately, these 30 second spot commercials do persuade voters.  That is a danger to our Democracy, because these adds are frequently an appeal to our emotions and devoid of any factual material.

Lord, Help Ukraine; the USA Is on Its Way to Save It

Arthur C. Donart, Ph.D. wrote this essay. Most people would agree that you don’t put out a fire by throwing gasoline on it.  Yet our foreign gurus are doing just that, in regards to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.  The deranged mentality of our Government seems to be, that the best way

About the GOP’s Historical Amnesia on Voting Rights

An award-winning political journalist, John L. Micek is Editor-in-Chief of The Pennsylvania Capital-Star in Harrisburg, PA.  Email him at If you get into an argument with a Republican about the GOP’s lamentable support for voting rights and its fractured relationship with Black Americans, it won’t be long, before your

What Sidney Poitier Taught Us about Ourselves

Christine Flowers is an Attorney and a Columnist for the Delaware County Daily Times.  She can be reached at When my sister texted to tell me that Sidney Poitier had passed away[, on Thursday, January 6, 2022],  I started crying. All I could do was conjure up the black

Why Teach about Slavery?

Arthur C. Donart, Ph.D. wrote this essay. Certain Republican politicians have sought to re-invent a race strategy, in the fashion of former President Richard Nixon, in order to scare white voters into voting for them. Were it not for that fact, this question about teaching the history of slavery would

Too Poor to Buy Health Insurance?  You Don’t Stand a Chance.

This essay was written by Arthur C. Donart, Ph. D. Most people are aware that medical care is expensive.  Health Insurance also is expensive.  Health Insurance is “pre-paid” medical care.  If you don’t use it this year, you may need it next year.  It is risk sharing.  No one knows

Yes, Virginia, Donald Trump Finally Got It Right

Michael Reagan, son of President Ronald Reagan, is an author, speaker, and President of the Reagan Legacy Foundation.  Send comments to Well, what do you know!  Donald Trump finally did the right thing.  He shut the hell up, encouraged his supporters to flood the polls, and stayed away from