Indeed, the Emperor Is Naked

Many of my good friends voted for Donald J. Trump. They really did not like Hillary Clinton and saw her as the Establishment candidate, the “Sage Canaday” [mountain-ultra-trail runner] of the rich and powerful, who have exploited them. The fact that the GOP Establishment didn’t like Trump made him and

The Alternative Facts Administration

Editor’s note:  John L. Micek is the Opinion Editor and Political Columnist for PennLive/The Patriot-News in Harrisburg, PA. So, this is the funhouse mirror of a White House that the American public will be treated to, for the next four years. The day after brand, spanking new Trump administration spokesman

Stop Freaking Out About Trump

Editor’s note:  Rick Jensen is Delaware’s award-winning conservative talk show host on WDE. Take a breath, America. People are only freaking out, because our new President is a Republican. Today, most Americans agree Ronald Reagan was one of our greatest, most effective Presidents. Back in the 1980’s, the press ran

The Revolution is Just Beginning

By all accounts there were approximately 500,000 people, mostly women–but about 20% men–at the Women’s March on Washington, on Saturday, January 21, 2017.  The National Park Service no longer gives estimates, but one can get a fair idea by the number of bus parking permits for RFK Stadium, given out

New Year’s Resolutions Have a Tragic History

This column was written by Danny Tyree. If your New Year’s resolutions crash and burn, don’t despair. According to an article in Forbes magazine, only eight percent of people achieve their New Year’s goals of losing weight, de-cluttering the house, learning a new language, or whatever. Coincidentally, Green Party candidate

Words to Avoid in 2017

The following article is by columnist Peter Funt. Before year’s end, let’s have one sort of Kumbaya moment, as we turn the page on words and expressions that have sort of worn out their welcomes in 2016. We can start with Kumbaya, the 1920’s folk song kept alive by Pete

When is a Virgin Not a Virgin? When She’s the Blessed Virgin!

In ancient times virginity was prized because virgins were sure to be free of sexually transmitted diseases. In Jesus’s time, girls were married at around age 13. Girls received what little education they got from their mothers. They were expected to bear children, care for children, do household chores and

Castro, Rubio, and Cruz: Some Cheer, Others Mourn

Today, Saturday, December 3, 2016, is Fidel Castro’s funeral. On six occasions, our C.I.A. attempted to assassinate him. Our Government has a long history of overthrowing governments it doesn’t like, especially in Central and South America. Fidel Castro and his Communist Government survived, in spite of our Government arming and

Now We Know: We Are Not a Democracy!

I guess I should start out by defining this term “democracy,” which is thrown around a lot and much abused.  As a young man, I left the shelter of a Franciscan seminary and joined the Korean conflict in order to fight Communism and make the world safe for democracy.  After

The Great Debate Left a Lot to be Desired!

Editor’s note:  The first Presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, on Monday, September 26, 2016, delivered the largest-ever TV audience for a Presidential debate.  Viewership for the ad-supported broadcast and cable networks, as well as PBS, reached 84 million, according to Nielsen numbers. That figure reflects the average total number

The Almighty $ vs the Environment and Dakota Souix

Tuesday, September 13, 2016, was the day to stand with the Dakota Sioux in protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline.  Rev. Jorge Montes of Clinton, IA, sent out a last minute e-mail, announcing that he would lead the protest on the dike near the Showboat Theatre, from 5:00 p.m. to midnight. 

How You Know It’s Election Season

You know it is election season when you hear the same stupid slogans over and over again, to the point you are about to barf!  Presidential candidate Donald Trump touts, “Make America Great Again!” as if we know exactly what that means! Does that translate to more tax breaks for

Did Our Government Make a Huge Mistake in Syria?

A cursory review of U. S. foreign policy will reveal one stupid disaster after another!  Donald Trump and his wall at the Mexican border sounds stupid, is stupid.  But [it is] probably not as disastrous as [President Lyndon] Johnson’s escalation of the war in Vietnam or [President Richard] Nixon’s bombing

How Clinton Could Lose!

Let me count the ways.  Most obviously, the Department of Justice seeks to charge her for some violation of the law regarding her e-mails.  That’s too easy. Anyway, the matter is out of her hands.  Maybe she’ll embellish a story like being under fire while landing in Bosnia.  That was

Gov. Rauner’s “Free Speech” is “Freeloading”

Quad-City Times Bureau Chief Dan Petrella quotes Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner as saying, “It’s a huge issue (referring to a recent Supreme Court ruling), this decision to force government employees, taxpayer employees, to pay union dues, and to be in a union that they may not agree with.  I think