Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions: 1st Amendment Right is Under Attack!

Editor’s note:  Wikipedia states, “The Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement (also known as BDS) is a global campaign promoting various forms of boycott against Israel, until it meets what the campaign describes as Israel’s ‘obligations under International law,’ defined as withdrawal from the occupied territories; removal of the separation barrier

Enhanced Medicare for All: A Right to Life Issue

The Jeopardy quiz show answer is, “Medicare for All.”  Medicare for All is truly a pro-life issue.  The Affordable Care Act (ACA) helped many Americans get health insurance.  However, it did not resolve the ongoing problem of ensuring that everyone needing medical treatment would receive the care they needed. Due

Politicians, Taxes, and Lies: Who Is Looking Out for You?

I cannot remember an election when taxes have not been an issue.  Prior to every election we get pelted with the same crap.  The Republicans will parade themselves around as the Party of fiscal responsibility, even though they have proven, time and time again, that they are not.  Their mantra

Carroll County Democrats Endorse Medicare for All

On Tuesday, September 18, 2018, at their regular meeting, the Carroll County Democratic Central Committee weighed in on the issue of Medicare for All. The Affordable Care Act helped many Americans get health insurance.  However, it did not resolve the problem of ensuring that everyone needing medical treatment would receive

GOP Wins, We Lose. Dems Win, We Lose.

This editorial was submitted by Dr. Arthur Donart. Anymore I rather dread answering the phone.  There was a time when, if the phone rang, it would be a relative or friend calling to see if we could get together for cards or just to visit awhile.  Now, it is almost

Demagogue or Politician? Figure It Out Before You Vote

It is important to understand the difference between a demagogue and a politician and to discern the difference, in order to protect the common good.  Such a task is not easy, because they can sound very convincing.  Yet, before every election, that task confronts us.  So let’s examine the similarities

Let’s Listen to the Pussy Sing–A Lullaby to Trump

Editor’s note:  Click here to read a CNN report and watch a video. I no more than got back from Thailand than had the urge to jump on the next flight and return!  This was after opening my on-line edition of the Bangkok Post [Thursday,] March 1, 2018, edition and

Ambassador Pickering, Can the Empire Be Saved?

On Tuesday, February 20, 2018, at Southern Florida University in St. Petersburg, FL, my granddaughter, Bianca, invited me to attend a speech.  It was to be given by Ambassador Thomas R. Pickering.  He has spent 40 years of his life working for the Department of State under Presidents Nixon-through-Clinton as

Step Back, U. S., Give the Koreas Some Space

Step back, United States, and give the Koreas some space.  This is the advice former Republican Congressman and distinguished Korean War veteran Peter McCloskey has, for the Trump Administration.  A Marine Lieutenant, McCloskey has been awarded the Navy Cross, a Silver Star, and two Purple Hearts as a result of

Are We Our Own Worst Enemy?

As a Country, we have evolved.  We started off by fighting a war against Britain in order not to pay taxes without representation, well, mostly not to pay for King George’s wars.  By today’s standards, Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys would be labeled terrorists.  Many of the colonists

Taxes, Elections, and Your Pocketbook

Virtually every government in the history of the world has taxed, and today’s governments continue to tax, their citizens.  Someone has to pay for the roads, the schools, and the army.  Every government is an expression of how a society organizes itself.  They may have a king or queen, a

Thomson Village Board Endorses Medicare-for-All

At Monday night’s September 11, 2017, Village Board meeting in Thomson, IL, Trustees voted four-to-one to adopt a resolution to support HR 676, “Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act,” introduced by Congressman John Coyners, Jr.  Trustee Arthur Donart introduced the resolution at the Board’s August meeting and then moved

Shall We Continue the Korean War?

Written by Arthur Donart, Ph.D. Actually, I’m too old to go back and finish the job.  By the time I was halfway through basic training, the Armistice had taken effect.  In war, an armistice is a temporary cease fire; it is not a “peace treaty.”  Enemies remain enemies.  We have

Trump Overseas: Success or Disaster?

Written by Arthur Donart, Ph.D. Judging from the spin, President Donald Trump’s trip abroad was a smashing success.  I guess it all depends on how you define “success.” He went to Saudi Arabia and was greeted like a king, by a king.  He must have loved it.  King Salman must