Only Three Cemetery Plots are Left

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Editor’s note:  Call Stephanie Vavra (815-772-8718) for simple directions to Lot 24-Block V, West.

Memorial Day approaches on Monday, May 30, 2022.  At Grove Hill Cemetery, there will be a gathering of citizens to mark the service of military personnel.  Others will place decor on graves or pause at burial sites to remember loved ones.  The day could be an inspiration to purchase a burial place for family or yourself.

Wanda Mathew formerly lived in Morrison, IL, with her husband David Wylie Mathew III.  Years ago, David Mathew purchased all 12 spaces in Lot 24-Block V, West, atop the hill at Grove Hill Cemetery.  It is anchored in the center with a pink, granite, family stone engraved Mathew on both sides.

David died in 2018; he is not buried here with the family.  However, beneath the family stone, a flat slab lists his name and dates of birth and death.  Three burial spaces were used to inter his father, mother, and sister.  They lie side-by-side in plots East 1, 2, and 3, starting from the road and moving north, along the east side of the family marker.  Plot East 4 is available for an individual; plots five and six are sold.

A local widow moved her late husband back to Morrison–as Wanda Mathew had moved her late husband back to her new town.  The first widow bought plots West 1 and 2, so they could repose beside each other.  A Morrison couple purchased West 3 and 4 in advance of need, for the same reason.  Plots West 5 and 6 are available.

Wanda Mathew offers the remaining three resting places for sale at $700 apiece.  That is the price her husband paid decades ago and the same cost charged by the City of Morrison today.

Interested persons should contact Mathew at 912-536-0315, or write Wanda Mathew, 306 N. Main Street, Statesboro, GA 30458.