
Odell’s February 13 Film

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ChariotsFireOn Tuesday, February 13, 2018, Odell Public Library Friends celebrates the Olympic spirit with an historical, factual drama film, “Chariots of Fire,” based on the story of two athletes in the 1924 Olympics.  Eric Liddell is a devout Scottish Christian who runs for the glory of God.  Harold Abrahams is an English Jew who runs to overcome prejudice.  Come to the movie on Tuesday, February 13, at 2:00 p.m., to learn how these two men do in their races and to enjoy the Olympic spirit.

Pop and popcorn will be available.  There is no charge, but donations are most appreciated, as the monies help pay for the yearly movie license.

The film won the Academy Award for Best Original Score, which will be very familiar.  The creators of the movie took their title from 2 Kings 2:11:  “chariots of fire.”

In 1919, Harold Abrahams entered the University of Cambridge, where he experienced anti-Semitism.  Greatly enjoying running, he became the first person to ever complete the Trinity Great Court Run, running around the college courtyard in the time it took for the clock to strike 12.  He achieved an undefeated string of victories in various National running competitions and even had time to fall in love with a beautiful soprano named Sybil.

Eric Liddell was born in China of Scottish missionaries and lived in Scotland.  His sister, Jennie, disapproves of his plans to pursue competitive running, but Liddell sees running as a way to glorify God before returning to China.  Liddell beats Abrahams badly during their first race together.  Abrahams takes it badly, but a professional trainer, Sam Mussabini, offers to take him on, to improve his technique, which brings much criticism from his college teachers.

After years of training and racing, the two athletes are accepted to represent Great Britain in the 1924 Paris Olympics.

While boarding the boat for Paris, Liddell learns that the heat for his 100 meter race will be on Sunday.  He refuses to run on the Sabbbeth, although he is pressured by many.  His religious convictions, in the face of National athletic pride, make headlines around the world.

However, his teammate who has already won a silver medal in the 400 hurdles, yields his place in the 400 meter race on Thursday to Liddell.  Abrahams is badly beaten in the 200 meter race by the highly-favored American runners.  His last chance for a medal is in the 100 meter race.

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