Odell Public Library August Movie “Bridge of Spies”

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imagesThe August movie is a thrilling drama of intrigue based on happenings of 1957.  Directed by Steven Spielberg, “Bridge of Spies” will be shown on Tuesday, August 9, 2016, in the Program Room at Odell Library, 307 S. Madison Street, Morrison, IL.  Doors open at 2:00 p.m.

The movie stars Tom Hanks, Mark Rylance, Amy Ryan, and Alan Alda.  Renowned director Spielberg captures the story of a man who is caught up in something bigger than himself, but manages to rise to the occasion.  This 2016 film was nominated for several Academy Awards.

Tom Hanks is an insurance lawyer (Jim Donovan) who is called upon by the U. S. Government to defend Rudolph Abel (Mark Rylance), who is charged as a Russian spy.  The United States and Russia are in the middle of the Cold War, and Donovan is asked to serve as Abel’s Defense Attorney by his boss (Alan Alda.)

Donovan argues that the seizure of evidence to convict Abel was unconstitutional and that Abel is politically valuable, if the U. S. ever needs to negotiate with the Russians.  Later, U. S. pilot Francis Gary Powers is captured by the Russians.  Despite having no real experience in espionage, Donovan is sent in to facilitate an exchange.

Tom Hanks, one of America’s best actors, turns in one of his strongest performances.  Hanks’s career has revolved around playing smart and upstanding characters.  Noted as the Henry Fonda of our time, this is a role that places a good man in the middle of the Cold War, who goes beyond and gives us his best.

Spielberg has directed films since 1970.  “Saving Private Ryan,” “Shindler’s List,” and “Lincoln” are human stories told against a backdrop of world events.  “Bridge of Spies” is in this category and is one of his best.

This is film not to be missed.

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