October 28 School Board Report

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Editor’s note:  Lynnette Forth submitted this report.

During a regular meeting of the Morrison, IL, School Board on Monday, October 28, 2013, members of the Board covered a lot of material. 

Superintendent Suellen Girard’sReport contained information of the possibility of acquiring new software.  The District has a 30-day trial for the software resources of Safari Montage.  Girard stated that Technology committee is continuing to try different machines and has scheduled two schools to observe the Kuno in action.  A lot of discussion took place over the new format of the ISAT and PSAE report cards.  The new version is not yet available, so Board members will only be able to review the old version.  The transition to the Common Core Standards is in full swing, as the State testing for this year will be 100% based on the Common Core curriculum.  Bi-County Special Ed Cooperative subcommittee met to write a letter not supporting the withdrawal of Sterling from Bi-County.  A majority of the Board supported the letter, so a hearing in front of the Regional Board of Directors will convene the first week of December, to hear from both sides and make a decision.

‘The audit from last year has been completed, and overall the budget was positive with a surplus of a miniscule $3,549.00,” Girard said.  The budget for this year is not balanced, with the Education Fund having the largest deficit.

Write-ups on the changes of the school report have been posted on the District website.

During Principal Reports, Joe Robbins noted that Parent/Teacher conferences are coming next week, and teachers are busy preparing for them.  Common Core implementation is in full swing.  Robbins recently contacted Rebecca Green from CGH Medical Center, and CGH graciously agreed to donate 36 hands-free sanitizing dispensers and foaming sanitizer for the schools.  Robbins reported that the PTO blood drive was very successful and raised a $250 donation for having over 20 donors. 

Junior High Principal Darryl Hogue reported that four teachers recently attended the English Language Arts Common Core training held at Sauk Valley Community College.  The seventh grade science hosted a Niabi Zoo assembly on Friday, October 18.  A zookeeper brought seven different animals and discussed facts with Junior High students.  The Junior High received two of the three grants applied for this fall from the Bi-County Foundation.  The grants will help fund a writing/research activity surrounding Thanksgiving and an Art trip designed for special needs students.  Morrison has joined the Lee/Ogle training cooperative.  The cooperative provides curriculum training, on-site facilitation, and school improvement workshops at a minimal cost.  The one-time fee was assessed.  Many teachers have taken advantage of curriculum instruction in math, reading, science, Rising Star, and applying the new Common Core Standards. Robbins informed the Board that The American Legion will be putting together a flag folding ceremony as veterans are honored on Thursday, November 7, at 8:20 a.m.

High School Principal Scott Vance stated that he, administrators, and teachers from district schools recently attended a two-day workshop on student growth and principal/teacher evaluations.  The High School continues to work with Sauk Valley Community College on increasing the capability of High School students to earn college credit before leaving High School.  The High School is anticipating receiving a donation of proceeds stemming from the MHS Newman Catholic Alumni football game held this summer.  Vance concluded by stating that Parent/Teacher conference notices are going out this week.

Board members heard reports from the Finance Committee, along with the Citizen’s Advisory Committee.

Discussion Items follow.
Financial Report as of September 30, 2013.
Treasurer’s Report as of September 30, 2013.
Financial Comparisons FY11, FY12, and FY13
Cash Flow Projections
Bills as of October 28, 2013
Enrollment Update (The year started with one student less than the end of last spring.)
New School Report Cards (Each fall, the State of Illinois provides State Report Cards to share information about performance of schools across the State.  Unfortunately, because of very significant changes in the grading scale and the content of student assessments, this year it is not possible for grades K-8 to compare achievement levels with past years.  On the Elementary level, Robbins stated, “It’s an apples-to-oranges comparison.  We need to increase scores of Special Ed students, but we are working on that.  We are working on improvements for low income students as well.  Overall, the scores were very promising in some areas, some areas we need to work on.”  Superintendent Girard noted that it may be helpful to host a public meeting on the ISAT scores in November, to inform parents of the changes made to the scoring.  Dr. Girard stated, “I attended a meeting with area Superintendents to try and decipher the new scoring system, and we still don’t understand it.”  Hogue reported the 6th grade math went down; with the school pinpointing who the percentages are that are not meeting and exceeding the goals.  “We plan to target the ones that need intervention to help them out.  The State’s changes this year don’t help.”  Board member Jim Riddley commented, “We need to explain this new cut-off scoring to the public.  We need to make it clearer, so it makes sense. Some raw data for the public would be good.”  Vance reported that the High School has a little bit of different data based on the PSAE testing.  “We are going to confuse you a little more.”  Superintendent Girard stated.  Vance noted that this year, math and reading scores went up, resulting in the District being moved up from Academic Watch #4 to Academic Watch #1.  Data showed that the Senior Boys are doing 80% better than the girls.  ” thought that was interesting,” Vance added. )
SAUK Collaboration update (to get teachers qualified to teach the college credit courses.)
School Board Convention update
Van Purchase (Purchase of a second van would decrease the cost for extra-curricular activities.  Special Ed transportation decreased by $40,000, so far, by having just one van.)
1% Sales Tax
Traffic Flow at Junior High (Hogue voiced concern over the dangers with the way students are dropped off and picked up, due to parents doing u-turns.  “It’s a big mess right now,” Cathleen Vegter said.  Hogue is working with Chief of Police Brian Melton to implement a safer system for the children.
Tax Levy
Insurance Renewal Date Change option (Dr. Girard informed the Board they have the option to change the renewal date to line up with the Fiscal year.  She would not recommend it for this year, as the Insurance Company only provided about two week’s notice.  Board members decided to leave the date as is.)
Technology Committee update–Safari Montage (Dr. Girard said the District has the option to look at the Safari Montage program, and if teachers like it, she recommends purchasing it in November.  “It’s a little under $30,000.  We can’t afford new text books.  It would be for Kindergarten through twelfth grade.  The annual fee would be under $10,000 per year.  This is less than we pay for fixing textbooks.” )  Darryl Hogue commented, “The volume of curriculum with this program is unbelievable.”  Vance added, “The 3D Science is great!”  Superintendent Girard urged Board members to look at the links provided.)
2013-2014 Budget Book.

Board members went into Closed Session to discuss “the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees and collective negotiation matters.”  As a result, Board members approved the retirement of Superintendent Suellen Girard effective in June 2014.  Girard stated that she does plan to continue living in Morrison following her retirement.

The Consent Agenda included a motion to approve routine items:

  • District Bills as of September 23, 2013
  • Financial Report as of September 23, 2013
  • Treasurer’s Report as of August 31, 2013
  • Building Activity Account Reports
  • Posting of Administrator Compensation on Website
  • Personnel Recommendations.

Action Items approved included:

  • Retirements (Marie Popkin to retire at the end of the 2013-2014 school year in accordance with the side letter of agreement to the MEA Master Contract.  Popkin has worked for the District for 31.5 years.  Superintendent Girard to retire in June 2014.  Girard is in the 6th year serving as Superintendent of Schools for Morrison.)
  • Approval of School Report Cards
  • Approval to Renew Illinois Association of School Boards Press Policy Plus ($1,495 annual dues)
  • Release of Tractor and Attachments for Sale (1979 International 284 tractor with belly mower, 6″ wood rear-mount mower, and snow blade attachment. The tractor dealer indicated the tractor is worth $1,500: the two mowers and blade are worth $350 each.)
  • Approval of Drug Dog Search Contract (Renew contract with International K-9 Operations to conduct canine drug searches at a cost of $500)

The next meeting of the Morrison Board of Education will be held on Monday, November 25.

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