November 14 City Council Agenda

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Monday, November 14, 2016, the City of Morrison Council Meeting will convene at 7:00 p.m. in Morrison’s Heritage Museum, 202 E. Lincolnway, Morrison, IL.  Park in back of building; enter via the ramp.  The agenda follows.

Call to Order

Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance

Public Comment

Board and Commission Reports

  • Morrison Historic Preservation Commission

Reports of City Officers and Department Heads

  • Chief of Police
  • City Clerk

Consent Agenda – For Action
     1. October 24, 2016 Public Hearing and Regular Session Minutes
     2. Bills Payable of $115,151.38
     3. October 2016 Treasurer’s Report
     4. Waste Water Treatment Plant Request for Loan Disbursement #12/Application for Payment #11

Items Removed from Consent Agenda (for Discussion and Possible Actions)

Items for Consideration and Possible Action
     1. 2016 Annual Tax Levy, Approval of Preliminary Ordinance Draft
     2. Ordinance #16-19, Approving Recommendation of the Revolving Loan Fund Loan Administration Board for Loan to K/K Inc. II D/B/A Happy Joe’s
     3. Resolution #16-09, Regulating Control of Travel Expenses
     4. Grant of Easement to Nicor Gas

Other Items for Consideration, Discussion, and Possible Action


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