November 13 City Council Agenda

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The Monday, November 13, 2017, City of Morrison Council Meeting will convene at 7:00 p.m. in the Whiteside County Board Room, 400 N. Cherry Street, Morrison, IL. The agenda follows.

Call to Order

Roll Call

Public Comment

Board and Commission Reports

  • Morrison Historic Preservation Commission

Reports of City Officers and Department Heads

  • City Clerk
  • Park and Rec Midyear Activity Summary

Consent Agenda, for Action

     1. October 23, 2017, Regular Session Minutes

     2. Bills Payable of $258,806.56

     3.  Waste Water Treatment Plant Change Order #6

     4.  Annual Risk Management Policy IML ($92,519.72 +/-)

     5.  An amount not to exceed for $5000:  Veteran’s Memorial Park Tablets

     6.  Renewal of Animal Control Agreement with Whiteside County Health Department

     7.  Appointment to Parks & Recreation Board, Trevor Popkin

Items Removed from Consent Agenda (for Discussion and Possible Actions)

Items for Consideration, Discussion, and Possible Action

     1.  2017 Annual Tax Levy, Approval of Preliminary Ordinance Draft

     2.  High Street Project

     3.  City Hall Phone System

Other Items for Consideration, Discussion, and Information

  • City Hall Sign (Route 30 side)
  • EPA Loan Restructuring, Status Update
  • Revolving Loan Fund – Closeout Process
  • Discuss Terms of O and M Agreement pertaining to Odell Library and Community Room
  • Main Street Consultant Selection, Next Step
  • Discuss Code Amendment to Change Liquor License Closing Time from Existing 2:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m.


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