
Northside and Southside Outdoor Athletics

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An unusually wet and stormy spring month gave way to full sun and temperatures in the low 80’s, on Friday, May 31, 2019.  The day came at the perfect time for both Morrison Community School District #6 Elementary schools.  Staff had devised a series of “field day” events on the last full day of the school year.  Students return Tuesday, June 4 for a brief time.

Northside School has about 250 children in grades Kindergarten through Two.  Staff and para-aides total between 20 and 25.  Most of those individuals were involved.

Principal Andy Harridge stated morning playground activities included lots of water, like water limbo, water balloon toss, and wet sponge relay.  There was an obstacle course and a “sleigh” race, with children sitting on mats atop scooters.   After lunch children cooled down by watching a film.  Just before 2:00 p.m., classes began to file onto the playground, sitting in tidy rows to await the next round of fun.


P. E. teacher Brett Chapell asked several adults to form a “fireman bucket brigade” facing the children.  A bucket at one end held water and plastic cups.  The object was to scoop water into the cup, pass it along, and deliver it to the last person in line, who dumped any remaining water into a second bucket.  That individual ran to the start of the line and began to pass cups.  Speed in passing caused spills, of course; the cold water was likely refreshing.  What made this relay interesting was that cups had been pierced with several holes circling their sides!  Anyone passing a cup also was sprinkled.


Each grade formed a similar line parallel to the others and performed the cup carry relay.


Southside School has a little over 250 children in grades Three through Five “and six or seven Life Skills students.”  Twelve classroom teachers plus staff number 30; P. E. Teacher Tracy Henson stated, “I have 20 parent volunteers here.”

Grade Three students wore red t-shirts; Grade Four wore green; Grade Five wore blue.  They enjoyed an Al fresco, grilled hotdog lunch provided by the school.  Today was the first time students had recess with all grade levels.

Henson organized a dozen round-robin stations for youths to explore.  The fun began at 12:30 p.m., classes spent ten minutes at each station.  “Free Play” included resting in the shade on swings or sitting on the climbing structure.  “Sidewalk Chalk” drawing was on the front sidewalk.  Below, Blue Fifth Graders took turns on the inflatable “Slide.”


The iconic “Hula Hoop” is being used by Fourth Graders.


Red Third Graders shot “Basketballs,” and Green Fourth Graders played “Frisbee Golf.”  To the south of these students, others conducted the “Football Pass.”


Five events used balls.  During “Ladder Ball” a rope with a small, rubber ball attached at each end was flung.  The goal was to get the rope to hang on a tubular structure.  In the gym, “Moon Ball” required students to work together.  They used volleyball sets to keep a big, black ball in the air.

Blue Fifth Graders are playing “Nine Square” inside a tubular cage.  Also similar to volleyball, they threw the red ball over the bars but kept it elevated.  Green Fourth Graders play “Hamster Trail” with a very large, black ball.  Children formed two concentric circles; one person was the hamster.  He/She tried to avoid being hit by the ball, while everyone pushed the ball around to tag him/her.  Red Third Graders played “Bag Toss.”


Giant Popsicle treats cooled down the students, ending the school year on a sweet note.

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