No Good Friday Cross Walk, But Enjoy the Music

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crosswalkAt noon on Good Friday, April 10, 2020, from the sanctuary of Emmanuel Reformed Church, Pastor Al Pruis and Rich Criss will present a special, live-streamed service of organ and piano music.  It will be interspersed with the Good Friday scripture.  This is an opportunity to share an observance of Good Friday for our community and area, at a time when public services can not be held.

The service can be viewed as a live-stream, by opening Emmanuel Reformed Church on Facebook ( just before noon.

Live Streaming Guidelines:  The current virus pandemic has generated elements of change for many.  Emmanuel Reformed Church of Morrison is offering assistance to allow church services to be seen and participated in throughout this crisis.  In an effort to make the livestream more accessible for those who are not connected on Facebook, a link has been added to the Facebook livestream on the church website.

1) Go to the church’s page

2) Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Facebook icon, (lower case “f” encompassed by a blue square.)  This will take you directly to the Church’s Facebook page.

3) Scroll down to “past videos.”
4) Click on “live video.”

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