
No COVID-19 at ARC Blood Drive

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Kaywyn Beswick, Morrison ARC Blood Team Leader, submitted this follow-up report.

SitApartI am extremely happy to report that the Thursday, March 19, 2020, blood drive in Morrison resulted in nobody getting the coronavirus.  I personally contacted all 66 of the people who were in attendance at Morrison United Methodist Church, including American Red Cross staff, donors, potential donors, and volunteers.

Only one donor stated that five days after the drive, they developed a sore throat and achy muscles, but with no fever or shortness of breath.  This donor was a walk-in from out of town, and he/she reported the illness to the ARC.  Their sickness lasted only three days.

Moral of the story?  Social distancing works!  Taking pre-screening temperatures works!  Staff wearing gloves works!  Hand-sanitizing works!

Happy Holy Week and Easter blessings to all.

I hope to see you on Thursday, May 21, at St Mary’s Catholic Church, 13320 Garden Plain Road, Morrison.

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