Mustang Baseball 2013

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Third year coach, Ben Songeroth, can’t wait for the weather to allow his Mustangs to take the field. He is excited to start play, but he is very anxious to see individuals in certain positions and develop  a more confident grasp of this team’s potential.

The Mustangs are striving to secure the sixth conference title in a row and make a solid run into the IHSA regional and sectional action. They will miss having the proven ‘big hitters’ in the line-up, but they hope that a couple players may emerge and fill the third, fourth or fifth spot in the batting order.  The loss of Blake Blean’s speed and outfield abilities from last year will be missed and the outfield positions remain as one of the clear unknowns prior to getting outdoors.

One area that Ben feels confident in is the middle infield where Alex Volckmann and Danny Willis will combine to be one of the elite shortstop/second base combinations in the area. Brock Deter will return after a year off and will cover the third base area with Alex Fischbach on first base when he is not on the mound.

Andrew Connelly has accepted the challenge behind the plate to manage the pitching staff of Alex Fischbach, Conner Duncan, Bill Lee Greul, and Brock Deter. 

The Mustangs may see a select few younger players in the line-up as Joey Brackemyer, Mason Sitzmore and Tristan Houzenga will be give opportunities to earn some valuable innings and varsity at-bats.  Coach Songeroth is aware that the freshman-sophomore team has available talent that may get called into action also.

So, as the grounds remain unplayable, the answers to the Mustang’s fortune in 2013 still remains unclear, but the optimism remains high for the Mustangs and the  chances to bring home the sixth  consecutive Big Rivers Conference title.

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