Morrison-Rockwood Trail Paved

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Have you worked at a single project or met a personal goal that took 16 years of your life?  Few have.

So, imagine the deep sense of accomplishment that was felt by Friends of the Parks on Friday, November 15, 2013, when a little more than a mile of surface paving was layed atop the Morrison-Rockwood Recreation Trail along Crosby Road.  It stretched from the west side of the covered bridge to the T-intersection with Damen Road.

Concrete abutments for the bridge over Boyer’s Springs also were installed that day.  Bob Brandon, member of FOP, stated the bridge likely would be in place Monday, November 18.  On that day, Mayor Everett Pannier said the 40′ bridge would be assembled on site.


For Friends of the Parks members, this sinuous strip of blacktop was the culmination of over a decade of fundraising, frustration, and fulfillment.  As you ride or walk this first portion of the trail, meditate on their focus and force of will to bring you this community resource.


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