
Morrison Lions Recycle Day September 28

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Planning has begun for the Lions Community Recycle Day on Saturday, September 28, 2019.  Hours will be 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., at the Whiteside County Fairgrounds, Morrison, IL.  Watch for more information about items that will be accepted.

The club welcomes volunteers to help with this service project.  To volunteer, contact a member or visit the club’s website at and click on the Contact button.

SmithsCampTreatsLions Club members donated money and food items for treats during one night at Camp Reynoldswood in Dixon, IL.  This camp is for the visually impacted or hearing impaired.  Treats included snack bags with grapes, snack mix, watermelon, and Popsicles.  They were delivered by President Darlene Smith, husband Rick, and two grandsons.  The campers visited with our group and relayed how they love to come to camp.  Camp Reynoldswood is entirely free and supported by many Lions Clubs.  Shown left-to-right are Evan McDonnell, Smith, and Cameron McDonnell.

JacobBrownSchwinThe Morrison Lions Club annually awards two scholarships to Morrison High School graduating Seniors.  This year’s recipients were Jacob Brown and Claire Coons.  Pictured left-to-right are Scholarship Committee member Keith Hamstra, Scholarship winner Jacob Brown, and his mother, Julie Brown. 

Brown and his mother were guests at our Tuesday, June 4, meeting.  He talked about his plans for taking courses in Pre-pharmacy at Sauk Valley College and then attending a school to earn a degree to become a Clinical Pharmacist.

Tom McEleney, Board Member for the Clinton Area Showboat Theatre, and Matthew Miller, Producing Artistic Director, presented information for the 2019 Showboat season.  This year the Showboat celebrates its 30th anniversary. 

SmithMahaffeyMorrison Lions welcomed Ken Mahaffey and Will Lee as new members.  Mahaffey, shown at right with sponsor Bob Smith, was inducted at our Tuesday, June 18, meeting.  Lee was unable to attend the meeting but will be inducted later.

Installation of officers for the 2019-2020 year will be held Thursday evening, August 22, at the Forest Inn.  Social hour begins at 6:00 p.m. with dinner at 6:30

Morrison Lions Club does not meet during July and August.  Our regularly scheduled meetings will resume on Tuesday, September 3.  The club meets on the first and third Tuesdays at noon at Happy Joe’s Pizza, 109 W. Main Street, Morrison.  All are welcome to come to any of our meetings.

For additional information about Morrison Lions Club visit the website at

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