
Morrison Lions Club will Collect for Annual Candy Day

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LionsLogo400Morrison Lions Club members will collect funds during the annual Candy Day on Friday, October 9, 2020, and Saturday, October 10.  Members will wear masks and practice social distancing.  This will be our first fundraiser since our 2019 Holiday Ham Sale.

Just as members of our community and our businesses have been living through the pandemic, so have service organizations been affected, by not having normal fund raising projects.

A portion of the monies collected is forwarded to Lions of Illinois Foundation to support vision and hearing programs.  The balance is retained by the club and used for local vision and hearing programs and community needs.  When you see a Lion wearing a Candy Day vest, please consider supporting this good cause and receive some candy.

Club members approved our annual donation to the Helping Hand organization.  For many years, Morrison Lions Club has reimbursed the CGH Eyeglasses for Kids program, covering the cost of glasses furnished to Morrison-area children.  It was noted with this year’s donation, our club has contributed over $18,000 to the CGH Foundation.

Meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday at noon.  A decision will be made at the next club meeting where we will meet for the duration of the pandemic, to allow us to practice social distancing.  The temporary meeting site will be posted on the club’s website.

We invite anyone interested in learning more about Lions and how we fulfill our motto “We Serve.” to visit

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