Morrison Historical Society Greets Brent Sikkema

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Morrison Historical Society Board of Trustees and its Annan Mill Committee members met their generous benefactor, a former Morrisonian who donated to them in December 2015 the Annan Mill.  The organization hosted Brent Sikkema and family to an informal reception and meal, on Tuesday, August 16, 2016.  The gathering took place at Morrison’s Heritage Museum, 202 E. Lincolnway, Morrison, IL, beginning at 5:00 p.m.

After a day at the Whiteside County Fair, Sikkema brought his spouse, Daniel, and son, Lucas, age five, to a pizza and dessert buffet.  Board member D. J. Sikkema’s wife, Regina, and their children Ethan, ten, and Alexis, 4, also attended the event.  Adults and “cousins” toured the museum after the meal.

Shown left-to-right are, front row, Stephanie Vavra, Diane Wiebenga, Michelle VanDyke, Jean Ridley, Mary Ellen Brackemyer, Sikkema, Harvey Zuidema, and Dan Vandermyde; back row, Jan Kelly, Carole Patton, Mark Gravert, Vern VanDyke, D. J. Sikkema, and Bill Huber.  Unable to attend were Trustees Doug McCulloh, Owen McCulloh, and Deb Wykoff.

MeetBrent8 16 2016

Sikkema holds a reprint of a 1955 photograph, showing the rear of Annan Mill, gifted to him by MHS member Stan Mitick.  Mitick’s father took the photo in 1955, during a  visit from his home in Colorado.  The 35mm slide was transformed this week into a pristine mill view, which few have seen, and none will see again.  Mitick will give a second copy to the Morrison Historical Society. 

Because Sikkema’s father–like Mitick–was employed at General Electric Appliance Control Department, publisher Stephanie Vavra presented him with a copy of a history of GE.  In the book, Mitick chronicles the six-decade history of the Morrison plant.  Vavra wrote passages, designed the layout, and inserted over 300 photos from General Electric plant photographers.  Copies are for sale at the museum.

MHS President Zuidema, Brackemyer, and Sikkema chatted about his gift of Annan Mill to the Morrison Historical Society.  One of the late Mae Domack’s watercolors of Annan Mill looks upon them.


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