Morrison High School THUSE 2021

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Assistant Editor Jerry Lindsey wrote this feature and submitted the photographs.

“THUSE” is celebrated annually by the students of Morrison High School as part of the Homecoming Week festivities, but the word cannot be found in the Webster’s Dictionary with a definition of purpose.  The only reference of definition is found with the word “enthuse,” where “thuse” is mentioned as a shortened version.

Regardless of what the exact reference to the word is, the event–that is held on Thursday evenings prior to Friday Homecoming games in Morrison–is definitely a positive series of activities that “enthuses” all who are present at E. M. “Bud” Cole Field.

On Thursday, October 30, 2021, THUSE excitement between the classes began with a Female Flag Football competition.  It was won by the Junior class, on a touchdown scored with 42 seconds remaining, to earn the crown by 12-6.  Senior Dads followed with a Flag Football exhibition against the Senior girls and outscored them in a shortened game, 24-6.  Most dads remembered the game they left behind at graduation, but their bodies did not quite react as the men remembered, prior to their graduation several years ago.  Girls are competitive footballers, too!
Competition shifted to the track, where a version of “Rock-Paper-Scissors” was incorporated into a race of hula-hoop jumping.  All classes enjoyed the fun, in an effort to earn points toward the class total.
The dinner table set the next competition. Each class representatives threw their table manners out the window!  Regardless of eating style, they raced to choke down a hamburger, fries, and a milkshake, to earn more team points.
Then, a real team effort was needed. Each class had to see which could build a human pyramid of 15 classmates and hold the pyramid intact for five seconds.  Time after time, the bottom row collapsed, before the final climber made the trek to the top.  The Senior class was awarded first with the best effort, without completion of the perfect pyramid.  Building a pyramid isn’t as simple as it looks.
Classes ended the evening with all attending finding a place to grab the tug-of-war rope.  They made a class effort to pull the opponent across the finish line.  Again, the Seniors gave the best team effort to defeat the Freshmen and then beat the Juniors in a “pull-off” for the championship.
A “Senior Moms Cheer” left every student proud of their mom’s effort, which ended the events of THUSE.  The women showed that they still have it!  Next,  people moved into the stands for announcement of the 2021 Homecoming royalty.
A King and Queen would reign over the Homecoming dance on Saturday, October 2.  A progression of candidates and class-elected representatives set the stage for the announcement.  Student votes elected the royalty.  Left-to-right are Prince Connor Hemphill; King Beau Brackemeyer; Queen Tanna Frederick; Princess Emma Nohai.
The bonfire set the mood for evening, ending in cheers from the crowd.  THUSE sent everyone home, talking about the great time they had experienced.  The events displayed enthusiasm, and it was hoped the “thuse” would carry over to the following night.  Morrison High School Mustangs would welcome the Rockridge Rockets for their Homecoming game of 2021.