
Morrison Alumni Wall of Fame

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Jerry Lindsey wrote this article.

CapDiplomaAs the years pass and friendships scatter, the memories of the days spent in Morrison Community Unit District #6 tend to get shuffled into life’s experiences.  The times and trials of the days within the Morrison educational system are shared by many, but time and careers have separated past friends and classmates.

There is a current desire is to create an Alumni Wall of Fame, that carries an updated fact sheet of every alumni and bridges the times since their last school contact.

Regardless of when you graduated from Morrison High School you are invited to complete an Alumni Survey of personal.  This disclosure will enable your life’s path to be shared by past classmates, as well as admired by current students seeking possible career avenues that you have experienced.

How many times have you heard or imaged a memory from the past and wondered what ever happened to that particular individual?  This Alumni Wall of Fame will provide some history and, perhaps, contact information.  You can recreate a highlight of your early years with a simple call or text.

The survey begins, “We’re proud of our Alumni and want to brag about you on our Wall of Fame Bulletin Board.  Please fill in your name, graduation year, career/profession, City, and State for our current students to read about.  If you don’t mind students reaching out to you, to ask about your career, please include your email.  Your contact information will not be publicized on the board.  We will collect it, if you are willing to answer a few questions from curious students.

The Wall of Fame survey may be found at

Find the survey at  Click on the menu button, and look for the Alumni Wall of Fame.

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