Anne Frame wrote the press release; the Camps supplied their photo in the Sahara Desert.
This tantalizing and fascinating program will be given by Jim and Ann Camp on Thursday, October 19, 2023, at Odell Public Library, 307 S. Madison Street, Morrison, IL, beginning at 6:30 p.m. There is no charge; however, donations for the library are welcome.

To celebrate their 60th Anniversary, they had decided to visit Morocco in western Africa. However, the pandemic hit, and they had to put off this wondrous vacation, until February 10-March 7, this year. They had been fascinated always by the idea of this destination, but it was more than expected. Ann described it as “an amazingly fun place!”
“The markets, called souks, were beyond imagination and so captivating,” said Ann. “Kiosks were to be found everywhere lining the streets or squares, with only a small walkway, and selling everything. It was all so very, very busy.”
The Camps will present this spellbinding and intriguing voyage utilizing PowerPoint for their entrancing photos of this magical place.