MMTA Elects New Officers

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Morrison Music Theater Association held its annual meeting on Sunday, February 9, 2014.  The main item of business was to discuss the future of MMTA as a viable organization.  After much discussion and sharing of ideas, those attending decided not to disband the organization.  Instead, the organization will explore all possible ways to present and support quality theatrical productions in the Morrison, IL, community.

Officers for 2014 are Carolyn Aiken, President; Eric Phend, Vice-President; Betty Stralow, Secretary; Bob Stone, Treasurer. 

Megan Zahora, Director of Morrison High School’s spring musical, “The Wizard of Oz,” was present at the meeting.   MMTA members will assist with this production wherever they are needed. 

Bob Stone, who directed last year’s MHS production of “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown” will serve as Assistant Director.  Tyler Smith will be Choreographer.  David Bean will conduct the pit orchestra and work on the technical aspects of the production.  

The new MMTA officers will continue to explore possible future collaborations with Morrison High School. 

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