Mind the Gap: Wealth and Opportunity Inequality Around the World

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The Whiteside Forum, a local community group which has sponsored presentations and discussions on issues of importance and interest to the public since 1985, will present, “Mind the Gap:  Wealth and Opportunity Inequality Around the World.”  Registration will begin at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, April 15, 2016, in the City of Morrison Community Room of the Odell Public Library, 307 S. Madison Street, Morrison, IL. 

This event is free due to the generous donations of our benefactors.  There will be food and beverages available.

Our focus will be on economic inequality, the growing gap between the haves and have nots, and how this affects us all.  Two experts will speak on the economic and political drivers of inequality, followed by a moderated question and answer period.  Skeptics are especially encouraged to attend.

Frederick Solt, left, a Political Scientist from the University of Iowa, and Jannett Highfill, an Economist from Bradley University, will be our expert speakers.  Alan Sivell from St. Ambrose University will be our moderator.


When the wealthiest 1% controls 50% of global wealth, their voices, lobbying, and political influence must have a disproportionate influence over everyone else.  Whether you believe the inequality gap is due to economic or political forces, is or is not a “real” issue, is a function of income, wealth, hard work, luck or opportunity, you are sure to learn more at this event.  Please join us and be part of the discussion.

The Whiteside Forum, established in 1985, is a nonpartisan, not-for-profit community group, which sponsors presentations and discussions of issues of importance and interest to the public . Issues chosen for conferences have an international dimension as well as local interest and importance.  The organization is supported entirely by individual, special, and business contributions.  All events are free and open to the public.

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