
MHS Events and Activities Go Live

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NFedHighSchoolAssocThe 2018-2019 Morrison High School school year not only offers a remodeled building.  School activities will be offered in a remodeled format, for viewing on your computer or mobile device.  The High School has partnered with the National Federation of High Schools (NFHS), to broadcast the events and activities of MHS on the NFHS network.  Streaming will be supervised by Justin Stevenson, but students will be generating the broadcast and filming.

A lot of one-on-one training will be required for the first semester, and a class will focus on the broadcasting details beginning the second semester.  Available internet connections will limit the sports/activity selections the first year.  Plans to broadcast home Football, Volleyball, Basketball, and Wrestling are confirmed.  The availability of manpower to broadcast may restrict the offering of a complete home schedule, with only Varsity games being planned for this fall and winter.

Initial broadcasts are scheduled as follows, with additional contests to be announced later:

  • August 20:  VB vs Annawan
  • August 31 : FB vs Spring Valley Hall
  • September 6:  VB vs Riverdale
  • September 7:  FB vs Kewanee
  • September 28:  FB vs Riverdale
  • October 5:  FB vs Orion
  • October 16:  Band and Choir Concert.

Viewers must purchase a pass to view the broadcasts through NFHS.  Pass options include:

  • Monthly (30 days) $9.95
  • Seasonal (four months) $30
  • Annual (365 days) $60.

All passes may be cancelled at any time and will automatically be renewed at the expiration date.  If a pass is not desired for immediate viewing, each event/activity can be viewed 72 hours later at no cost to the viewer.  MHS non-sports events may be viewed live for free.  Also, DVD’s of all broadcasts are available for purchase through the NFHS website.

Viewers are not limited by location.  This means, if a grandparent, friend, or relative has an internet connection and a subscription with NFHS, they will have the ability to watch the event/activity live–as if sitting at Morrison High School–regardless of their location around the globe!

Instructions for securing a subscription:

  • 1) enter
  • 2) enter Morrison High School in search box
  • 3) click Subscribe
  • 4) select your pass choice
  • 5) follow steps to create the account and complete your order.

Instructions for viewing an event:

  • 1) enter before or during the event
  • 2) sign-in to your account
  • 3) search for Morrison High School
  • 4) click your event choice.

This technology advancement is made available by the generosity of the Morrison Athletic Boosters, by their support and funding of the software, cameras, streaming devices, laptop, microphones, headsets, and miscellaneous equipment needed to begin such a project.  Additional support was extended by the Morrison Technology Department in completing a hard-wire connection between the press box and the concession stand, to make the football games a reality.

Nothing is appreciated more than crowded a grandstand for a school event.  Now, those that are unable to attend can still enjoy Morrison High School events and increase the support and enthusiasm for school activities.

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