
Message to Motorists: Don’t Drink and Drive

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Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White reminds motorists that the best way to drive safely this holiday season is to avoid drinking and driving.

“Drunken driving causes injury and death on our roads every year during the holidays,” said White. “Let’s keep the roads safe for our loved ones and others, by driving sober.”  He offered these sobering statistics.

3CarCrash• In 2016, from Christmas Eve to Christmas Day, there were nine driving fatalities, two (22 percent) of which were alcohol-related, according to the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT.

• In 2016, from New Year’s Eve to New Year’s Day, three of the seven fatalities (42 percent) were alcohol-related, according to IDOT.

• In Illinois, 76 percent of those arrested for DUI are men, caught driving with a blood alcohol content of twice the legal limit, according to the Illinois Secretary of State’s Office.

• The rate of alcohol impairment among drivers involved in fatal crashes is four times higher at night than during the day, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA.)
• An average of one alcohol-related fatality occurs every 53 minutes, according to NHTSA.

White suggests that those who will be participating in celebrations involving alcohol take public transportation or a cab, or use ride sharing or a designated, sober driver.  White also reminds drivers to use safety belts.

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