Meet Your City Candidates March 21

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Morrison Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors will host a “Meet the Candidates” night on Thursday, March 21, 2013, beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the Community Room, 307 S. Madison Street, Morrison, IL.  The event will be moderated by Stephanie Vavra, owner and publisher of

A dozen candidates are running for City of Morrison positions of Mayor or Alderman.  Each panelist may

  • make a 2-minute opening statement
  • respond to questions from the moderator for 2 minutes
  • offer a 1-minute closing statement.   

For fairness, the same questions will be posed to each mayoral and each aldermanic candidate.

An “audience” is a gathering of listeners, hence, there will be no questions taken from the floor.  Hold applause until all candidates have spoken.  After their presentations, candidates will be available to the public during refreshment time.

The public is urged to suggest questions for the panel.  Please indicate whether your question is for a Mayoral or Aldermanic position.  Final decisions on questions rest with the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors.

Kindly submit questions in writing by Monday, March 18, to either

The Whiteside County, IL, Consolidated Election is Tuesday, April 9.  The candidates below are running for positions in Mount Pleasant Township.



David J. Jindrich


R. Everett Pannier


Sarah Thorndike


Martha (Marti) Wood





WARD 1:  Cheryl Bush and Dale Eizenga


WARD 2:  Nancy J. Riggen and Harvey D. Zuidema


WARD 3:  Curt Bender and Vernon Tervelt


WARD 4:  Scott Connelly (for a 2-year unexpired term) and David G. Helms

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