MCUD6 Board of Education

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MCUD6 Met with Issues from the Public

Written by Assistant Editor Jerry Lindsey

The March 20, 2023 meeting of the MCUD6 Board of Education required additional seating as the board room was filled with interested visitors.  Opening comments from the public included a list of concerns presented by a current school employee that was highlighted by her opinion of the low morale that currently exists within the system. The brief presentation ended with a challenge to the leaders of the school system to “Step up and address the problems!”

A second presentation evolved around the concern that the school was phasing out areas of the art department. The passionate reading included recent successes and the need of the children to receive art as a building element for educational growth.

Protocol for school board meetings does not allow responses to visitors’ inputs.

Current enrollment was reported to be at an increase of 22 students over the same time period of 2022.

The board unanimously approved the issuance of bonds totaling $3,045,000 of which $3,000,000 will be available to be used for facility upgrades. Bids have been approved on the following: a)HVAC repair/replacement at MJHS and Northside, B) High School athletic track replacement, and C) replacement of doors at Morrison High School.  Additional projects are being considered for usage of the approved funds including Northside and MJHS bathroom updates, replacement of the playground fence at Northside, MJHS, and MHS parking lot resurfacing, MHS scoreboards replacement, and Northside gym floor upgrading.

Actions also approved the annual acceptance of the Memo of Understanding with Saul Valley  Community, but the action to approve the College and the  Board Administrative Procedures and Exhibit Manual was tabled pending further board review.

Among the new business presented for approval were the resignation at the school’s end of Kim Snider (MHS English Teacher / Head Girls Softball Coach) and Steve Snider (MHS Business  Teacher / Head Football Coach) and the addition of Matthew McCormick as the Principal of Southside School effective in the 2023-24 school year.

The board accepted the retirement of Anita Robbins (Southside) at the end of the 2022-2023 school year.