MCUD6 Board Leadership Altered

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Assistant Editor Jerry Lindsey wrote this report.

The Morrison Community Unit District 6 (MCUD6) elected Gus Linke, Jr. as its President, on Monday, April 19, 2021.  On Monday, May 17, the Board accepted his resignation, due to the anticipated relocation of his family.  Vice President Jim Ridley was appointed as the interim President, allowing the seat to be reassigned and a new election held, at the next Board of Education meeting on Monday, June 21.

Action items acted upon in Old Business included release of the used and outdated library materials from the Northside Elementary School library.  Also, the Board approved a contract with RC Smith for providing bus service for the 2021-2022 school year.

In New Business, the Board unanimously approved the resignation of Gus Linke, Jr. from the MCUD6 Board, effective May 17, and the release of outdated MHS Baseball uniforms,.  The following Coaches were approved for the 2021-2022 school year:

  • Volleyball (T. Drosoupolos – HC, Kelly Holland – FS)
  • Girls Swimming (C. Brewer)
  • Golf ( TBD )
  • Cross Country (C. Brackemeyer)
  • Boys Basketball (J. Banks – HC, M. Ernst – FS)
  • Girls Basketball (K. Grimm – HC, T. Veltrop – FS)
  • Wrestling (T. Wright – HC, TBD – FS)
  • Baseball (J. Robbins – HC, TBD – FS)
  • Softball (K. Paul – HC, TBD – FS)
  • Track (S. Biggs – Boys, J. Deters – Girls, T. Duncan – Asst.)

In Other Staffing Action, the Board approved the hiring of Kelly Holland (MJHS Guidance Counselor); Sarah McCallister (SS 3rd grade); Allison Ross (MJHS ELA teacher); Amber Wright (SS-4th grade.)  Ryan Oetting’s resignation as MHS Football Coach was accepted effective Tuesday, May 18.

The Board of Education was presented the 54-page, 2021-2022 High School Student/Parent Handbook for review and acceptance action, at the next scheduled meeting.

Presentation of the 2021-2022 MCUD6 Budget was part of the Board package.  It will be on display officially for public review at the District Office for 30 days.

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