
McCombie Urged Passage of HB 4586

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State Representative Tony McCombie held a press conference on Tuesday, April 17, 2018, in Springfield, IL, calling for the passage of HB 4586.  With McCombie were Don Knight, front row, right, husband of slain Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) worker Pam Knight, as well as Knight’s daughter and grandchildren, front row, left.

“Pam Knight is not the only DCFS worker to be viciously attacked in recent years.  Each case has its own nuances, and each case could be prosecuted differently.  This legislation would take out the ambiguity when it comes to charges….If you attack a DCFS or Adult Protective Services worker, you would face the same three-year minimum [for attacking] a teacher, or the same three-year minimum [for attacking] a fire fighter,” said Rep McCombie.  “This bill is simply automatically upgrading the charges.  It’s the first step in providing justice, for these workers who put their lives on the line to protect the most vulnerable amongst us.”

Attacks against State workers protecting our most vulnerable are, unfortunately, not uncommon.  The Chicago Tribune recently outlined a dozen, extremely heinous attacks against DCFS workers since 2013.  This legislation essentially closes a loophole in the law and is the first step.  The next step, is to look into legislative and administrative measures to prevent attacks against State workers.  Rep. McCombie has promised to introduce legislation, if it is required.

On Tuesday, April 17, the entire Illinois House of Representatives recognized Pam Knight’s life and sacrifice, by unanimously passing House Resolution 952 in her honor.


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