McCombie Reacts to Passing of Graduated Income Tax

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State Representative Tony McCombie released the following statement, on Monday, May 27, 2019, after the Illinois House of Representatives passed the graduated income tax amendment, SJRCA 1, on a partisan roll call with only Democrat support.

“Today, with less than four days before the adjournment deadline, the Majority Party in Springfield decided to put to the top of the agenda a constitutional amendment that will raise taxes on Illinois families and businesses once again.  We still have 11 months to debate the issue of any constitutional amendments, especially on one that may take away protections for taxpayers.

“We should be spending our remaining time in Springfield[, IL,] working together on a balanced budget with no new taxes.  Instead, the Majority would rather spend Memorial Day increasing taxes on the middle class.  If we want to grow Illinois, we need to pass real political and structural reforms.  This will not stop chasing people across our bridges to Iowa.  The priorities of the Majority are completely out of step with what not only Northwest Illinoisans truly need, but also all Illinoisans.”

Since SJRCA 1 successfully cleared both the Illinois House and Senate, it will therefore appear on the 2020 General Election ballot.  If 60% or more of voters approve the referendum, the Illinois Constitution will be amended.

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