Mayor’s Year End Report

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2018 is upon us and I would like to take some time and review 2017 and look at what to expect in 2018. The Council and City officials have been working hard to keep Morrison[, IL,] moving forward with many improvements accomplished and many more to come.

One of the most obvious accomplishments in 2017 was the opening of our new waste water recycling facility just south of town. For all intent, the project is complete except for some touch up work around the plant site and the two pumping stations. The demolition of the old site is almost complete as well. We have good news in that we have received several million dollars in loan forgiveness from the EPA and the Council is currently considering an option from the EPA to extend the loan from 20 years to 30 years which would greatly reduce the amount of rate increases that would be required if we stay with the 20 year plan. The new loan opportunity also comes with a lower interest rate.

Street repair work continued in 2017 with a major improvement project on Winfield Street. As we move into 2018, the Council will be evaluating estimates and bids to do major resurfacing work at the intersection of High St. and Genesee as well as doing resurface work on a majority of High St. towards Jackson. This work will be using a majority of the funds received from the increased sales tax that was passed in 2014. After that, the Council will be reviewing needs on other smaller street sections so as to have a continuous improvement effort in the years to come.

One of the major decisions facing the Council this year will be the future of Main Street. Currently reviews are underway on what approach to take. How many blocks do we do? Are sidewalks included? New water main? How to minimize disruption. How do we finance? Etc. Decisions should be reached this year, and, if the project is a “go”, it would still be a couple of years before work could commence.

At the end of 2016 the Council approved refinancing of bonds, and in so doing freed up cash that allowed us in 2017 to make some purchases of much needed equipment such as pick-up truck, dump truck, tractor and mower, street sweeper, and a squad car to name a few.

In 2018 the Council will be reviewing a number of city ordinances such as noise control, liquor license enforcement, parking regulations and others in order to improve compliance as well as bring codes in line to better serve the community.

The city continues to support the Morrison Area Development Corporation and Chamber activities and is pleased to see the positive impact that both organizations are having on our community.

A special thanks goes to all the committees and commissions that are staffed by volunteers. They include: Historic Preservation; Parks and Recreation; Planning and Zoning, Cemetery; and Library. All together there are 29 volunteers serving in various capacities….I would be remiss if I did not offer a shout-out to all the City employees, who work every day to make Morrison a better place to live.

Respectfully yours and proud to serve,

Everett Pannier, Mayor

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