May 2016 American Red Cross Blood Drive Report

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ARC hero logoThis article was submitted by Kaywyn J. Beswick, R.N./Morrison Red Cross Blood Drive Coordinator.

You know, I wear several different hats.  And the times that I wear them usually do not conflict, but it has happened twice in the last five months.  I am Director of the Morrison Friends Food Pantry.  The mandatory annual Illinois conference landed on the same date as the May blood drive.  So, I was not present for two-thirds of the time that the drive was being held.  I never have to worry, because my great volunteers keep things running smoothly in my absence. 

Thursday, May 19, 2016, was the date of our third, local ARC blood drive.  Morrison United Methodist Church, 200 W. Lincolnway, Morrison, IL, graciously gives us their fellowship hall to use for the day.  They offer us a total of six dates annually, rent free.  We are ever-so-grateful for their hospitality.

The drive was sponsored by Bethesda Lutheran Church Women, who are the cordial May sponsors every year.  Those who helped out preparing, baking, and serving the meal for the donors were Nancy Pannier, Dee Janssen, Sharon Boyles, and Andrea Dalton.  Thank you, ladies, for the great lunch of sandwiches, cookies, and drinks.

I have to thank the Kiwanis for faithfully coming in to unload the truck before the drive and returning in the evening to reload the truck after the drive is over.  They were Nick Becker, Lawrence “Ike” Isaacsen, Kris and Bart Bielema, Deb Stiefel, and Len and Laveda Ashlin.  I am so appreciative of their helping hands to make the shared work go quicker.

My many volunteers throughout the assigned stations in the room that day were Marcia Haag, Marian Dykema, Ron Wiersema, Carole Patton, Sandy Schroeder, Bridie Bartnicki, Marilyn Akker, Marilyn Habben, and Nancy Pannier.  I am so lucky to have people that I telephone and who jump at the chance to man a station and assist me with making the day go off without a hitch.

Last, but certainly not least, I am acknowledging the 46 wonderful donors who gave of their time and blood products in order to save up to three lives each.  They were Stephanie Vavra, Susan Mahoney, Lynn Reimer, Kim Mulnix, Julie Damhoff, Jack Bland, Joyce Hamstra, Keith Hamstra, Lorna Temple, Kristine Honeycutt, Renee Vanderlaan, Craig Brady, Lisa Nice, Connie Tegeler, Gwen Smith, Jim Prombo, Beth Wroble, Marian Dylema, Tim West, Margaret Barr, William Barr, Carolyn Aiken, Jill Vegter, Callie Bush, Michelle Goossens, Nancy Shank, Brad Bielema, Evan Haag, Kari Forster, Dick Wieneke, Kaywyn Beswick, Joe R. Bielema, and 11 people who did not sign their name giving permission to print their names as donors in the newspaper and on website.

Five great people gave double-red cells equaling two units.  They were Larry Oudekerk, Harvey “Bud” Tegeler, William Barr, and two gentlemen who did not sign to give us permission to publish their names.

Pins were given to Randy Kuehl, receiving a four-gallon pin; Harvey Tegeler, being awarded a five-gallon pin; Michelle Goossens acquiring a seven-gallon pin!  We had two other people receive a one-gallon and a two-gallon pin, but they did not sign the permission sheet to have their names published.  Another gentleman was praised for getting a 15-gallon pin, but he did not want to be recognized as a donor.

We had only two deferrals for the entire drive, which is excellent!  The ARC usually expects up to 7% of the persons to be deferred.  Our terrific walk-in count was 11.  Our only downfall was the fact that there were three other blood drives that took place in Morrison in the same month, so our numbers were not what we had hoped.  I made 85 phone calls to potential donors, but lots of activities this time of year had farmers, graduation attendees, vacationers, and end-of-schoolyear programs audiences reporting already-filled-up calendar slots.

American Red Cross staff went home with 49 more units of blood than they had that morning.  So all was not lost, and our efforts were over goal.  The National average of blood drive units secured this year is down from past years’ numbers. There is approximately 38% of the U. S. population that are eligible to donate blood, but only about seven percent of the population regularly donates blood products.  Sad statistic, when it is such an easy thing to do.  Hopefully we can change that number in July!

The next ARC blood drive will be held on Thursday, July 21, from noon to 6:00 p.m. at Morrison United Methodist Church, with Kiwanis as the July sponsor.  Please consider joining us to help decrease the constant need for blood.  Thank you!

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