March 23 Whiteside Forum: Celebrate Fish & Wildlife Refuge

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The Whiteside Forum will host Ed Britton, U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service Refuge Manager, Savanna District, speaking to the “100th Anniversary of the Upper Mississippi River Fish and Wildlife Refuge,” on Sunday March 23, 2025.  Please join us in the Community Room of the Odell Public Library, 307 S. Madison Street, Morrison, IL, to hear the presentation, celebrate the anniversary, and ask questions, starting at 2:00 p.m.

The Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge has been a haven for migratory birds, fish, wildlife, and people since 1924.  The refuge stretches 261 river miles from Wabasha, MN, to Rock Island, IL, and protects more than 240,000 acres of Mississippi River floodplain.  The refuge hosts more than 3.7 million annual visits for hunting, fishing, wildlife observations, and other recreation.  The refuge is a “Wetland of International Importance” and a “Globally Important Bird Area.”

All Forum events are free and open to the public.  For more information about this event or The Whiteside Forum, contact Marc Adami by text at 815-718-5347 or email