March 10 City Council Report

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On Monday, March 10, 2014, Mayor Everett Pannier convened the City of Morrison Council Meeting at 7:03 p.m.  There were no absences inside the Whiteside County Board Room, 400 N. Cherry Street, Morrison, IL.

Lester Mathew began Public Comment with a concern about an individual who rifles recycling bins along Jackson Street, taking aluminium cans and other items.  This person also was observed opening garbage bags.  Mathew questioned if this behavior is legal.  He believes the refuse belongs to Moring Disposal, Inc., and the City gets money from the recyclables.  Also, he worries about identity theft if this person goes through people’s trash.  City Attorney Tim Zollinger concurred, stating it is unlawful to disturb another’s trash, and when stuff is on the curb, it belongs to the City or Moring.  Mathew was asked to obtain the license number of the individual; Zollinger told him to refer it to Chief of Police Brian MeltonStephanie Vavra explained she became a blood donor a few years ago in order to save a dozen lives.  At the Thursday, March 20, Red Cross blood drive, she will have saved 120.  She encouraged Council members to become donors.  Morrison American Red Cross Drive Coordinator Kaywyn Beswick stated March is American Red Cross Month, in honor of the organization founded by Clara Barton in 1881.  ARC is now in 187 countries.  She explained the donation procedure and the critical need for donors:  30 people a minute need a unit of blood.

Board and Commission Reports from the Planning/Zoning Commission and Morrison Historic Preservation Commission required no discussion.

During Reports of City Officers the Mayor proclaimed March as American Red Cross Month and encouraged citizen support.  City Clerk Melanie Schroeder stated the Executive Session minutes are in the Attorney’s hands for review.

Under Reports of Department Heads Chief Melton stated his report was in the Council packet.  Gary Tresenriter, Director of Public Services, reported “work crews continue to work on [fixing water] leaks[, and] the majority of residences are on line.”  They are patching potholes, too.  “Be patient,” he said.  “It’s hard to find a dry spot to patch and get it to stick.”  He urged people to call him with areas that need patching.  Morrison Sports Complex Director Jim DuBois mentioned scheduled tournaments, the Morrison Youth Baseball and Softball program, adult softball, and other leagues that are ready for the season.  Two pavilions are to be installed; the old press box at the Legion field will be taken down.  ComEd will offer recommendations to save on electric costs.  Citizens have asked if the City wants to help with a youth running program that began last year.  Alderman Marti Wood asked when DuBois does the year-end inventory.  He answered, “When the auditors want it [in June].  We sold everything back to the suppliers or gave away opened [boxes] to the Chamber.”

The Consent Agenda was approved.

Items for Consideration and Possible Action included two items.  City Administrator Barry Dykhuizen discussed a one-year renewal of the City’s $500,000 Line of Credit with THE National Bank.  It was created last year but not used.  Alderman Harvey Zuidema asked, “Should we be doing this?  We’re spending $1250 to do nothing.”  Alderman Scott Connelly replied, “It is a lot cheaper to have it in place if an emergency” occurs.  “I look at it as an insurance policy,” added Alderman Leo Sullivan.  Zuidema countered, “There are a lot of banks in this town” where “we could get money.”  Alderman Michael Blean asked if there were a loan processing fee and agreed with SullivanCA Dykhuizen stated, Yes, but “we would make interest on what was borrowed.”  Alderman Dale Eizenga opined, “We could reduce the cost [if we did not have a $500,000 Line of Credit].”  The issue was tabled. 

Arnold Vegter addressed the request for a one-day Special and Limited Use Permit Liquor License by Morrison Athletic Boosters, for Friday, June 27.  This fundraiser is on the day of the second Alumni Football USA game, to be held in the Blue Building on the Whiteside County Fair Grounds.  He outlined how the building will be divided to separate underage attendees and the need of an armband to enter the beer garden.  The DJ will play only until midnight, as requested by the Fair Board.  Vegter added most people will leave when the music ceases, but the site will be open from 5:00 p.m. until 1:00 a.m. Sunday, June 28.  Chief Melton requested he approve the serving and security plans and monitoring of ID’s.  Attorney Zollinger said the request is unsigned.  Schroeder asked Vegter to sign the original in her office tomorrow, as an officer of Morrison Athletic Boosters.  No approval was given at this time.

Under Other Items for Consideration, Discussion, and Information, CA Dykhuizen and Mayor Pannier agreed to take action in the near future on a property at 705 W. Morrison Street.  The Mayor said the City could give the property to a new owner who agreed to tear it down.  CA Dykhuizen said “We could advertise for someone.  The likelihood is we’d get tear-down funds from the Rock Island group, but funds aren’t released yet.”  “We don’t need to own derelict properties,” concluded the Mayor.  Connelly added the liability could cost more.

Executive Session dealt with two matters:

  • 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2) Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees
  • 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(6)  The setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the public body

Possible Action from Executive Session  The Council approved Resolution #14-02,directing the City Engineer to conduct and prepare the necessary survey and platting documents for future sale of a portion of the Waste Water Treatment Facility property.  


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