Skylar Drolema Sets Two New Meet Records

Tracy Henson submitted this article and photo. The East Moline Swim Club hosted their Annual Age Group and Senior Fall Meet on Sunday, November 6, 2016.  Thirteen Seahorse swimmers participated and earned 23 Top-6 finishes and swam 26 Lifetime Best swims.  Schyon Drolema swam a Regional qualifying time in the

Morrison Fillies Attend Freeport Invitational

Coach Chelsea brewer submitted this report. The Morrison Fillies co-op swim team competed in the Freeport, IL, Invitational on Saturday, September 24, 2016.   All three relays representing Morrison came in second place.  A very close Medley relay race finished 1.34 seconds behind the Byron, IL, first place team.  The

Morrison Fillies Swim in Rock Island

Coach Chelsea Brewer submitted this report. Morrison Fillies Swim Team began their season in Rock Island, IL, Saturday, September 10, 2016.  The Rock Island Relays is a unique meet, as each event is in a relay format.  There are normal relay teams of four swimmers.  Also, each individual event is

Skylar Drolema Qualifies for Zones at Conference

Tracy Henson submitted the article and photos. Eight 10-and-Under Seahorses competed in the Stateline Summer Conference Meet on Tuesday, July 12, 2016, at Byron[, IL,] High School.  Morrison hosted the 11 and Over Conference Meet on Wednesday, July 13, and 15 Seahorses participated.  Overall the Seahorses had 53 Lifetime Best

Qualifying Times, Club Records, and High Point Trophies

Tracy Henson submitted this report and photo. Seventeen Seahorses competed in the Stars of Tomorrow Invitational at the Riverview Pool in Clinton, IA, on Friday, July 8, through Sunday, July 10, 2016.  The Riverview Pool is an outdoor, 50-meter (Olympic Size) swimming pool.  The Seahorses had Lifetime Best times in

Seahorse Swim Club Needs a New, Trendy Design

The Morrison Seahorse Swim Club (MSSC) is soliciting design entries for a newer, more trendy look to the mascot and team.  The primary purpose of the design is to serve as the new logo.  It may also adorn the website and promotional material.  The design will become a signature component

Eight New Team Records for Seahorses

Tracy Henson submitted this report and photographs. Nine Seahorses traveled to the the UIC Natatorium in Chicago, IL, to swim in the JETS Summer Classic, on Friday, June 10, through Sunday, June 12, 2016.  This meet was a great experience for the Seahorses, as it was held in a 50

Drolema and Allison Win All Events!

Tracy Henson submitted this article and photo. The 35th Annual East Moline Trophy Meet was held at the East Moline, IL, Municipal Swimming Pool on Saturday, May 28, and Sunday, May 29, 2016.  Thirteen Seahorses competed in the meet and swam a total of 51 Lifetime Best swims.  The swimmers

Allison, Drolema, and Harmon Win High-Point Trophies

Tracy Henson submitted this article and photos. Twelve Seahorses competed in the ORCA May Mayhem Mixed Madness Swim Meet, on Saturday, May 14, and Sunday, May 15, 2016.  This meet had a different format than usual.  Boys and girls swam against each other, and relays were made up of two

Another Undefeated Season for MJHS Swimmers

Tracy Henson submitted this report. The MJHS Colts traveled to Moline, IL, to swim against the Moline Middle School Swimmers on Thursday, March 17, 2016.  The Colts ended their season with another win, by scoring 216 points to Moline’s 174.  The MJHS swimmers won 16 out of 26 events and

Another Win for the MJHS Colts

Tracy Henson submitted this report. The Morrison Junior High School swimmers traveled to Freeport, IL, to swim against the Freeport Pretzels, on Tuesday, March 15, 2016.  The Colts had another great event and won the meet with 242 points over Freeport’s 147.  The MJHS Colts results follow.

Skylar Drolema Swims at State

Tracy Henson submitted this report and photograph. Skylar Drolema qualified and swam at the 2016 Illinois Winter Age Group State  Championships on Sunday, March 13, 2016.  The meet was held at the University of Illinois Chicago Campus Swimming Pool.  Skylar swam a 2:23.40 (AA Time) in the 200 Individual Medley,

Three More School Records for MJHS Swimmers

Tracy Henson submitted this report. The Rock Island, IL, Junior High Swim Team came to Morrison, IL, on Wednesday, March 9, 2016, to swim against the MJHS Colts.  The Morrison swimmers added another win to their record, by scoring 253 points to Rock Island’s 89 points.  The Colts broke three

Seahorses Swim at Regionals

Tracy Henson submitted this report and photo. Eight Seahorses qualified for, and swam in, the Illinois Swimming Regional Championship Swim Meet on Friday, February 26, through Sunday, February 28, 2016.  The meet was held at the pool at the Centre of Elgin in Elgin, IL.  The Seahorses swam in a

MJHS Swimmers Break Two School Records

Tracy Henson submitted this report and photo. The Morrison Junior High Swim Team hosted a meet against the East Moline Middle School swimmers on Tuesday, March 8, 2016.  The Colts had a great first meet of the season with a win over East Moline, 237 points for Morrison and 136