Liz Buckwalter’s Civics Lesson

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LizBuckwalterThis attractive photograph of Senior Elizabeth Buckwalter, Morrison, IL, was taken at Appel Mill, northeast of town, in more temperate weather of August 2013.  It was in preparation for her May 2014 graduation from Morrison High School (MHS.) 

Her parents are Mike and Colleen Buckwalter, and Seth is her older brother. 

Liz Buckwalter is an accomplished young woman.  Note these examples.

Participation in the Rotary Harvest Hammer is an ongoing interest.  Buckwalter was an entrant in 2010 in the 14-19 Female division.  She dispensed timing chips to race competitors in the MHS cafeteria on Saturday, September 15, 2012.

On Wednesday, April 3, 2013, she was inducted into the National Honor Society.  This prestigious selection is based on

  • scholarship (earning a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.750)
  • leadership (demonstrating such qualities and holding a position of leadership)
  • service (volunteering willingly for scores of hours without compensation)
  • character (meeting the evaluation criteria of MHS faculty and administrators.)


Buckwalter stands directly behind the large, center candle after the ceremony.


NHS new

LizBuckwalterRotaryOn Wednesday, November 20, 2013, she was chosen as one of two Rotary Students of the Month.  The nomination mentioned that, during her Senior year, “Liz has been active in Student Council, Key Club,  B.L.I.N.D., and yearbook.  She is part of a local youth group and enjoys dance.  She plans to study pre-law at Wartburg College in Waverly, IA.”

During an interview with the Editor, Buckwalter stated she “like[s] the idea of politics.”  A unique opportunity capitalized on her abilities and interests Friday, September 20, through Sunday, September 22, 2013.  She was invited by her aunt, attorney Michelle Buckwalter-Schurman, of Nelson, Kilgus, Richey, Huffman, & Buckwalter-Schurman in Morrison, to serve as Page for the Illinois delegates, during the 37th Biennial Convention of the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW.) 

The two flew from Moline, IL, to Chicago, IL, and then to Louisville, KY, to attend this 75th Diamond Jubilee of the organization.

“Headquarters is in Alexandria, VA,” Liz added.

Buckwalter-Schurman is President of the Illinois NFRW chapter.  She lives in Mount Carroll, IL, and belongs to Carroll County Republican Women.  As President, Liz stated, her aunt is busy with meetings, travel, speaking engagements, and seeking memberships.

Regarding her duties as a Page, Liz stated, “I think it’s a way to get younger girls [into this organization].”  Sometime after this, she joined the Carroll County Republican Women. 

At the Page rehearsal/pizza party on Friday, September 20, each of 45 girls listed a “cool fact about her State.” What did Buckwalter say?  “We have corn and Chicago–the best of both worlds!”  They swapped pins and received sashes and beanies.

In order to identify the youth aides, they were to wear their Page sash at all times; the beanie was only required during the General Session.  Each girl received a lanyard and name badge, too.  The ages of Pages ranged from 14 to 17.

As an added honor at the first General Session, this local young woman carried the Illinois State flag into chambers.   

Buckwalter said she worked with close to 20 adult delegates, getting them water or tissues, for example.  None were under age 40, she estimated. 

Delegates from across the Nation elected new members to the Executive Board; they began their term this month.  Nine Resolutions were adopted in one day.  Each had been pre-submitted to the National organization.  Several State Representatives read the resolution they sponsored; delegates could amend them prior to a vote.  They included:

  • supported Purple Heart medals to 12 American military and one civilian killed or injured November 5, 2009, at Fort Hood, TX
  • supported honoring U. S. veterans with speedy medical care and dignity
  • supported values in the book Frederick Douglass Republicans to engage minorities in the Republican party
  • endorsed rejection of the United Nations Agenda 21 policies and grant monies attached to it
  • urged the U. S. Department of Education to cease support of the Education for Sustainability movement and remove that curriculum from schools
  • supported the proposed 28th Amendment to the U. S. Constitution, making Senators and Representatives abide by the laws they create
  • thanked those who organized the Convention
  • saluted the NFRW leaders
  • thanked NFRW President Rae Lynne Chornenky.

“The speeches were amazing!  [U. S. Senator, R-KY] Mitch McConnell and his wife, Elaine Chao spoke.  Sharon Day, the Republican National Committee Co-Chair, spoke.”

In General Sessions and the evenings, Liz spent time with her aunt.  They enjoyed dinner and horseracing at Churchill Downs on Friday, September 20; a boat ride on the Ohio River; a walking tour of Louisville. 

Liz Buckwalter experienced a real-world lesson in all-female citizenship, capped with a measure of camraderie, history, and fun.  


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