Little League Season Opens

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Standing on the pitcher’s mound on a chilly evening, Morrison Little League (MLL) Master of Ceremonies and Coach Trent Bush welcomed players, families, and the public to its Opening Day Celebration, Friday, May 10, 2013, at the Morrison Sports Complex.  Representatives of eleven boys teams and six girls teams lined the baselines, from first base to third, with their coaches.  Morrison Sports Complex Director Jim DuBois stated there will be approximately 170 young athletes in the summer program, or ten per team.

LilLeague teams

Bush introduced the coaches and team members one-at-a-time;  DuBois tossed a first-aid kit to the lead coaches as they alternately processed to first base or third for a team photo.  Amanda Olson Cook captured the 17 teams on film.  She owns Simply Aesthic Design.

A moment of silence honored the recent passing of physical education teacher Pam Bush, who had instructed each of the players at some point.

Retiring MLL President Shelly Brackemyer was recognized, in absentia, for her years of service to the youth program.  This will be her last season, as she steps down.

Next, retiring City of Morrison Mayor Roger Drew officially opened the season with a series of four, underhand pitches to Augustus Linke.  Three of them made it to the plate.  “Ball boys” DuBois, left, and Bush, right, assisted His Honor. 

Roger pitch2

Roger pitch4

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