Lions Thank Community

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November and December 2015 were busy months for Morrison Lions Club members.  Holiday hams were delivered before Thanksgiving and again prior to Christmas.  Thank you to all who purchased hams and made this fundraiser successful.  Funds raised from the ham sale will be used for vision, hearing, and community projects.

The club’s annual donation was approved for the Leader Dogs for the Blind.  To learn more about the Leader Dog program, visit their website at  Currently, renovations are being made to make the center a state-of-the-art facility.  An annual donation was also made to the Odell Public Library for purchase of large-print books.   Members contributed caps, scarves, mittens, and gloves.  These were delivered to the Helping Hand group to be distributed to needy families.

Bob Countryman was in charge of the December program.  He is shown with Heidi Kolk, center, and Betty Wiebenga. 


Wiebenga, a volunteer with the Windmill Cultural Center, 111 10th Avenue, in Fulton, IL, presented a program on “Wild Winter Wednesdays.”  The programs are held every Wednesday through the end of March, and many different subjects are covered.  Light refreshments are served, and presentations last about an hour.  Kolk also gave a presentation on the monthly programs sponsored by the Millers at the windmill.  She also gave information on the Youth Miller Club.  This club is a way of getting young people involved with the windmill.  The youth are sent to camps where they learn the science and math of the windmill as well as how to organize programs.  Volunteers are needed to operate the windmill.  She also told of other ways to volunteer at the windmill, such as grant writing, marketing, publicity, record keeping, and cleaning.   

Bob Smith is in charge of the January program.  Fred Steele, a veteran and Lion member, and three members of the American Legion will present information on the history of their organization and the need for expansion and updating of Morrison’s Veteran’s Memorial, located by Grove Hill Cemetery.  

All are welcome to attend any of our meetings, held on the first and third Tuesday of each month at Happy Joe’s Pizza, 109 W. Main Street, Morrison, IL.  To learn more about our club, the vision and hearing services and community projects we do, visit our club website at

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