
Lions Club March Report

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Darlene Smith, left, was in charge of the Tuesday, March 7, 2017, Lions Club program.  She introduced Tori Humphrey and her parents, Audrey and Kent Humphrey.  Tori, a student in the Morrison Community Unit School District #6, has been participating in Special Olympics since 2011.  Winning many medals, she has participated in basketball; softball throw; bowling; in track running the 4x100m relay and 50m dash.  She has also been a “Sparkle Effect” cheerleader for Morrison and Newman High Schools.  She also participates in plays and the high school chorus.  Her parents provided more commentary and stressed how Special Olympics helps with improving physical abilities and socialization. The Humphreys stressed how very supportive the school has been in helping their daughter.  Club members were impressed by Tori’s friendliness and the dedication of her parents to her and to Special Olympics.


President Tracy Muur and her husband, Ron, hosted a potluck for our Tuesday, March 21, meeting at their home.  Members, spouses, and family members enjoyed a social evening with many delicious dishes to sample.

The club will not meet on Tuesday, April 4, because Happy Joe’s is closed for remodeling.  Club members are looking forward to the opening of the expanded space, when the remodeling is completed.  Our meetings will be held in the newly acquired and renovated space on the street level.  The next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 18, at noon at Happy Joe’s, 109 W. Main Street, Morrison, IL.  Meetings are open to anyone wishing to learn more about Lions and our motto, “We Serve.”

Visit our club’s website at to learn more about our club.

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