Liberty’s First Egg is in the Nest

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LibertyEgg1Early March is far from the time of spring nesting, but a new season of birth has begun for the widely-known pair of American bald eagles, Liberty (female) and Justice.  They became a pair in 2009 and laid an egg in 2010.  It did not survive.

Shortly before 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 2, 2016, Liberty laid her first egg of the season, in her aerie high above the Mississippi River.  Water is seen at the top of the photograph taken that day, by one of a pair of Eaglecams. 

The nest is on the Alcoa Company’s Davenport[, IA,] Works property.  Liberty and Justice, have been viewed by a website that streams live footage for the public’s enjoyment around the clock.  Since Friday, January 1, the site has had 300,000 hits.

Alcoa spokesman John Riches said, “If they are going to lay another one, it will be two or three days,” adding that if a third egg is laid, it would be two or three days after that.

To watch the spring ritual, copy and bookmark this link to the site:

The Tree Top View is better for watching the eagle couple move in and out of the nest, mend or defend it, and feed.  The egg is too low to be seen.  Select the Nest View–as seen above–to see the lower portion of the aerie. 

  • Click on the speaker icon and the white volume rectangle; drag it.
  • Follow the blogs by Alcoa staff and Mavis Johns with commentary and photos.
  • Send a Tweet if you see the birds do something noteworthy.

Check back often.  There may be a new eaglet-to-be soon.  The incubation period is about 35 days, so expect Egg 1 to hatch the first week of April. 

Start thinking of names to suggest, too.  The eaglet of 2011 was named Freedom.  Triplets born in 2012 were Faith, Hope, and Spirit.  Twins Honor and Glory came in 2013.  In 2014, the lone eaglet was named Rudy, to honor late Davenport Police Sergeant Kevin “Rudy” Marxen, who died in February.  Star and Sky were produced in 2015.

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