Liberty and Justice Prepare for Egg Laying

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eagle nest

Liberty, the female of a pair of nesting American bald eagles, and her mate, Justice, began their partnership in 2009.  They return each year to bear two or three eaglets in their aerie high above the Mississippi River, in Riverdale, IA.  Since 2011, 25 million people around the world have watched videos of nesting, laying, and hatching of the eaglets from the warmth and convenience of their home or business. 

Monitor Liberty and Justice around the clock, courtesy of Alcoa Davenport Work’s live action, Eaglecam streaming video.  Peek into the nest or chose the wider, treetop video.  The latter allows viewers “to see the eagles approach and land and then glide off,” stated John Riches, Alcoa Davenport Works spokesman. 

eagletsEggs of the winter season usually are layed in the second week of February and hatch 35 to 37 days later–about the third week of March.  Eggs generally appear one or two days apart.  Eaglecam allows an up-close view with sound.  Daily blogs record the details.

Since 2011, Liberty and Justice have successfully fledged seven offspring: 

  • 2011–Freedom
  • 2012–Faith, Hope, and Spirit
  • 2013–Honor and Glory
  • 2014–Rudy (for Davenport, IA, Police Sergeant Kevin “Rudy” Marxen who died February 2014.)

Click here to access a Eaglecam streaming video.

  • Select the Treetop View or Nest View. 
  • Click on the grey box above the microphone icon; when a white “volume” rectangle appears, drag it up.
  • Follow the daily blog.
  • Send a Tweet if you see the birds do something noteworthy. 
  • Check back often.

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