Letter from Whiteside County Republican Central Committee

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Dear Editor:

On [Thursday,] August 13, 2018, the Whiteside County Republicans met for their monthly meeting….Chairman Kurt Glazier brought up the topic of Congressional Candidate Bill Fawell and the conspiracy theories that have been surrounding him, after reviewing alleged conspiracy theories posted by Fawell on social media.

The Whiteside County GOP followed suit with State Republican Party Chairman Tim Schneider, Rock Island County Republican party Central Committee Chair Drue Mielke, and Republican State Central Committeeman for the 17th Congressional District, Jan Weber, [who] recently removed their support of Fawell.

All three officials cite posts on Fawell’s campaign Facebook page, “Elect Fawell,” in which Fawell appears to support 9/11 conspiracy theories, and called some mass shootings “false flag” events.

However, the Whiteside County GOP took their actions a little further than [that of]…Drue Mielke and…Jan Weber.

The Whiteside County GOP voted to no longer recognize Candidate Fawell as the Republican Candidate for Congress.  Chairman Glazier stated, “Due to the statements made by Mr. Fawell that have occurred in the past, Mr. Fawell has made no attempts to refute the claims made against him.  The local County GOP leader also said that the events of 9/11 and Sandy Hook are just tragic events that Mr. Fawell considered ‘false flag events.’  A false flag is an event in which some believe the Government or another group orchestrated a tragic event, in order to elicit outrage from the public and [thereby,] provides an excuse for war or some other aggressive reaction.  These sort of beliefs are not how the local GOP thinks or what their basic beliefs and principles are about.”

“We cannot be supportive or recognize a candidate that makes no attempt at refuting these claims, after these horrific events shook our Nation”, said Chairman Glazier.

In a recent statement, [State GOP Chairman] Schneider called Fawell a liar and said his comments have hurt those affected by tragic events.  “Bill Fawell has a problem with the truth, and his statements have done a disservice to the individuals who lost their lives from terrible acts of violence,” Schneider said.  “As Chairman of the Illinois Republican party, I disagree with his misguided views and cannot support his candidacy for Congress in the 17th Congressional District.”

Chairman Glazier stated that he has attempted to work with Candidate Fawell over the past few months, by providing him the guidance that he needs, in order to run a successful campaign, but Fawell insists on doing things his way.

“The Whiteside County GOP basically will no longer recognize Bill Fawell as our candidate,” said Glazier.  “His name will not be mentioned in advertising or sample ballots that the party pays to be printed in local are newspapers, and he is no longer welcome to attend our meetings or events.  Mr. Fawell seems to wish to run his campaign his way and not heed to advice of some of the area chairmen within the 17th Congressional District.”

Glazier said, “It is sad, with right around 80 days left until the [Tuesday,] November 6, election, that things had to come to this.  But as previously stated, Mr. Fawell did not wish to change his message to a positive message that included addressing the needs of the people living in the 17th Congressional District.”  Glazier also said that he believes that other County GOP’s will follow Whiteside County’s [lead] in the coming weeks.

Kurt Glazier, Chairman, Whiteside County Republican Central Committee

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