Letter from Sheriff Kelly Wilhelmi

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Editor’s note:  On Friday, March 16, 2018, Whiteside County Sheriff Kelli Wilhelmi approved this publication of his Facebook post as a Letter to the Editor.

I haven’t posted on here for awhile and have tried to keep my composure during the upcoming Sheriff’s Election.  I just want all of you to do some fact checking, before you cast your vote next Tuesday[, March 20,] in the Primary Election.

There has been a claim made by a particular Republican candidate, that the Sheriff’s Office Budget has gone up 50%, from 2015 to 2016.  The fact is that it went up .5 percent.  That is 49.5% less than this claim. 

Another fact is that during my ten years in office, the budget has only increased .93%.  That is less than 1%.

This claim is either an attempt to discredit our accomplishments with the Sheriff’s Office, or just extremely poor math skills.  Please move the decimal point two spaces to the left next time!

This has been just one of many attempts to mislead the public during his campaign. 

Kelly Wilhelmi, Whiteside County Sheriff

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