Letter from Sharon Boyles

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Dear Editor:

On Monday, November 11, 2019, The Loft on Main hosted an ornament painting opportunity for people of all ages.  The response was fabulous!  The day started slowly, but by 10:00 a.m., it was evident, the snowy day was going to be a busy day.  Nearly 500 clay ornaments had been prepared for painting.

With coats and boots left in the main gallery, the painters headed to the workroom.  First on the agenda, the painters selected from several shapes available.  Next was to find a space to sit and get started.  Volunteers handed out paper plates and napkins.  Brushes, paints, and water cups were on the tables.  The day was truly fun filled day with moms, dads, grandmas, friends, family, neighbors, and kids–young and young at heart

And what happens with all those painted gems?  The Christmas tree at The Loft on Main will be decorated with them.  They will be on display from the beginning of December until the weekend before Christmas, when they become available for the artists to pick up   Stop in and check them out.

As this event was being planned, I said more than once that I just wanted people to have fun.  I believe they did.

With that being said, I also want to express that it never would have happened if it wasn’t for the help of others.  For that help, I would like to thank Sarah Bull, Sandra Crouse, Mark Zinnen, Jean Zinnen, and Pat McGarvey for all their help that day; Sandra Crouse and Mike Hemmer for helping me poke holes in and bake all those ornaments; CAPA for donating the paint; The Loft on Main Board for agreeing to host the event; my husband, Dave, for stepping in and helping with whatever I asked; Rebecca Green for designing the flyers; Jerry Lindsey and Stephanie Vavra for publicity; Kim Ewoldsen for getting the information to the schools; most of all, the people who came.

What a wonderful day it was!

Sharon Boyles

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