Letter from Scott Vance re: Solar Eclipse

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Dear Parents/Guardians:

On Monday, August 21, 2017, all of North America will experience an eclipse of the sun. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon blocks any part of the sun. This is the first time since 1918 a solar eclipse will be visible on a path across the entire continental United States.

The eclipse will occur in our area beginning at 11:54 a.m. and ending at 2:42 p.m.; nearly 90% of the sun will be covered at 1:19 p.m. To participate in this event, all schools have organized a structured, supervised viewing opportunity for students.

Safety during the eclipse viewing is our top priority. Looking directly at the sun is unsafe. Because the sun will never be totally covered during our eclipse experience, students will be required to wear special eclipse glasses during the entire time they are outside. Homemade filters or ordinary sunglasses, even very dark ones, are not safe for looking at the sun. We have purchased NASA-endorsed, eclipse-safe viewing glasses for all students and staff.

Click here for more information regarding the safety certification of these special glasses. Teachers will discuss the importance of wearing the safety glasses, and it will be helpful if parents/guardians address this as well.

Because of these safety concerns, other precautionary measures will be taken to protect students.

  • All students participating in the eclipse viewing are required to have a completed permission form.
  • P.E. classes during the eclipse event will be held indoors.
  • Students will have indoor recess during the time of the eclipse.
  • Some students will have the opportunity to participate in eclipse viewing during science class or through grade-level activities.
  • Others are invited to participate through supervised observations during recess time.

A parent signature on the attached form is required by Monday, August 21, in order for the students to participate in viewing the eclipse with the special glasses. Students whose parents either do not complete this form or choose to opt out will be allowed to view a televised coverage of the event.

More information about the 2017 solar eclipse can be found on NASA’s website at https://eclipse2017.nasa.gov/ and on the website of Chicago’s Adler Planetarium at http://www.adlerplanetarium.org/events/solar-eclipse-08-21-17/.

A solar eclipse is a memory to last a lifetime! Taking these precautionary measures and following these important rules will ensure an enjoyable and safe experience for our students.


Morrison CUSD #6 Superintendent Scott Vance

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