
Letter from Mayor Pannier

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EverettHeadshotI want everyone to know that the City of Morrison is doing everything we can to keep the City running in a safe and responsible manner.  Our Police Department and Public Works people continue to monitor public safety and the water and sewer facilities, respectively.  Our departments are in very capable hands and running normally.  In the event that we have severe illness in any of our key positions, there are contingency plans in place.

Morrison Sports Complex and playground areas are basically shut down until further notice.  The walking paths remain open, but we urge you to maintain good social distancing.

The Council, by law, still needs to meet occasionally, primarily to approve bills for payment and other items that require more immediate attention.  We plan to meet on Monday, April 13, 2020, to review a Tentative Budget.  It must have a Public Hearing and approval at the Monday, April 27, meeting.  Currently, we plan to hold those meetings at the Community Room.  Watch for media announcements regarding specific agenda items and any possible changes.

With Governmental orders to shut down all non-essential businesses, this is not only a severe hardship for them, but quickly trickles down to the City as well.  A large portion of our funding comes from local sales tax, motor fuel taxes, and utility use taxes, all of which are obviously taking a huge hit.  In preparing a Budget we are putting tight controls on all line items.  We are fortunate that over the past few years the Council has been able to establish some reserves in our Capital Fund.

The problem that the City has is the same that you and our local businesses have:  we do not know how long the COVID-19 pandemic is going to disrupt our lives and our economy.  Once we get control of it, how long it will take for everything to return to some sort of new normalcy is anybody’s guess.

As of this writing, Congress passed a two trillion dollar stimulus package, that is supposed to help individuals as well as small and large businesses.  I suggest that you follow the news and postings by both the U. S. and State Governments, to determine what portions of this stimulus might be of assistance to you.  Don’t be afraid to contact the offices of your Senators and Representatives for advice on what help might be available to you or your business.

Lastly, thanks to our health care workers, first responders, grocery, and pharmacy workers, and all of you who are sheltering in place.  The effects of COVID-19 are going to be with us for the foreseeable future, but learning from this experience will make us all better-prepared for what is ahead.

Mayor Everett Pannier

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