Letter from Kaywyn Beswick

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My name is Kaywyn Beswick, and I have been a resident of Morrison, IL, since 1984, for over half of my life.  When I am asked where I’m from, I always say Morrison, instead of my birthplace of Clinton, IA.

For those who do not know, I have been actively involved in Morrison Friends Food Pantry since 2001.  Phyllis Fell, who began the food pantry back in 1985, became a valuable mentor and dear friend, for the five years that I volunteered under her leadership, until she unexpectedly passed away July 2006.  I continued helping at the pantry every week, and in 2007 I was asked to assume the Directorship.  Besides my Nursing career, it has been one of the most rewarding and humbling experiences that I have had.

Morrison Friends Food Pantry has continued to successfully operate, upholding Phyl Fell’s exemplary core values, along with the foundational support of the Morrison Ministers Council, and the 15 churches within Morrison.  We could not have kept our doors open all these years to serve the less-fortunate of our wonderful town, without the physical (up until the pandemic), emotional, spiritual, and financial encouragement and support of all the churches, businesses, organizations, clubs, troops, service groups, and offices in our generous County.

Unfortunately, the pantry has outgrown the space that it has occupied within Morrison United Methodist Church for the last three decades.  The established Board of Directors is beginning to look at moving the pantry entity to a more accommodating location, with more room, easier access, and better entry and exiting for volunteers without stairs.  This may be a location requiring renting, leasing, or, preferably purchasing.

I know that all funds donated to the pantry stay within our community, to assist our clients with food and nonfood items.  I also know that monies given to the pantry are used for renting their space from MUMC, along with office supplies, shelving, and purchasing foodstuffs through the contracted River Bend Food Bank, and locally through Sullivan’s Foods at very reasonable prices.

Words cannot begin to express our sincerest gratitude to all those who have donated to the pantry over the last almost four decades, but particularly those who have given actual bags and boxes full of toiletries, personal hygiene items, and cleaning products; checks and cash monetary blessings of partial and whole stimulus checks, regular monthly donations, large one-time gifts, and regular food drive collections the last 21 months of the pandemic!  You all know who you are, and I am forever grateful for your kindnesses bestowed on the pantry.

I would like to request that anyone wanting to donate to the “building” fund, especially with the probable prospect of purchasing our own facility, to either mail checks (made payable to Morrison Friends Food Pantry) to Morrison United Methodist Church, 200 W. Lincolnway, in Morrison, IL.  Or contact one of the Board members.

My final task as pantry Director is giving out a financial plea to our big-hearted and compassionately charitable community, to consider donating towards the pantry’s goal of finding a new home.  Much gratitude to Morrison United Methodist Church for providing a space for the pantry for the last 30+ years.  But the pantry needs to move to a larger home.

That all being said, it is with deepest regrets and a very heavy heart that I am resigning as the Director of Morrison Friends Food Pantry and as President of the Pantry Board of Directors, effective immediately.  This was a very difficult decision, but I have no doubt that the pantry will flourish.

I have been forever blessed by all the wonderful people that I have met through my time volunteering at the pantry; some lifelong friendships have been established that I will be forever thankful for.  I will truly miss being an integral part of being Christ’s hands and feet, providing for “the least of these,” loving our neighbors, and feeding the less fortunate of our terrific community.

I will continue to pray for the food pantry entity, its volunteers and staff, and especially the clients, as well as our magnificently large-hearted County.  It has truly been an honor, privilege, and pleasure to be part of such a fantastic community-and-church-owned facility for the last third of my life.  God’s blessing to all of you!

Respectfully submitted,
Kaywyn J. Beswick, former Director of Morrison Friends Food Pantry