Letter from Dave Boyles

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Dear Editor:
I am a concerned citizen, and I hope that everyone will take a minute to consider my thoughts.  As a society, we pay incredible sums of money to fund organizations of highly qualified Doctors, health care professionals, analysts, researchers, etc. at the World Health Organization (WHO) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC.)  They have tracked numerous health events across the globe for years and have some of the best experience available in our time.  Both organizations recommend social distancing and face masks [during the coronavirus pandemic].  Both organizations agree that there will be no silver bullet to end the pandemic, until a vaccine is administered across the globe.  We all agree that a destroyed economy will have far-reaching impacts that will also harm people.  And so, we are left with the need to carefully re-open the economy and safely proceed with our day-to-day existence.

To reach this goal, I try my very hardest to maintain a social distance of six feet and to wear my mask in public when I will be around people.  I perform both of these acts, because the experts tell us that we can be carriers and, therefore, infect others, before we know we are sick.  This means that I wear my mask and distance socially for your health and the health of your family.  I feel that I would be self-centered and irresponsible to ignore these simple guidelines.

I recently rounded the aisle at a store and came face-to-face with an unmasked shopper.  Even though I am wearing my mask, I am put at high risk of contracting COVID-19 if that unmasked person happens to be an asymptomatic carrier.  Additionally, I had a separate encounter at a different store, with an unmasked individual who goes from home to home servicing HVAC equipment.  That person has an increased probability of becoming infected, because he is an essential worker and must be in homes to perform his job.

However, by not wearing a mask, his increased risk to become ill himself, has now created a potential exposure to me, store personnel, and other patrons, because he refused to wear a mask.

It is easy to imagine the impact of transmitting COVID-19 if either unmasked shopper were to encounter a health care worker headed to a nursing home or to enter the home of a person who has at-risk complications.

For years, stores have posted notices stating, “No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service.”  People who refuse to wear a mask are putting the public at much greater risk, than if they had on no shirt or shoes.  Businesses who do not enforce the “no service” part of health care precautions are missing an important community service that could help stop the virus spread.  I challenge all businesses to post a sign, which they will enforce, that reads, “No Shirt, No Shoes, No Mask, No Service.”

Additionally, for those essential workers that cannot avoid going into homes and coming in contact with clients, I challenge you to notify clients about your social distancing and mask policy.  They have a right to know that they may be risking exposure.

In closing, this is not a political issue or a violation of your rights.  This is simply a request for cooperation, that can save lives and help us move on to substantial economic recovery.  I ask you, please wear a mask, and please social distance!

Dave Boyles

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