United Way of Whiteside County (UWWC) is taking action against summer hunger. The organization is proud to announce the return of the Feed Our Children, free, summer lunch program. It will provide free meals to children across the County, from Wednesday, May 31, through Wednesday, August 9, 2023. The program will serve free meals at 18 sites throughout the County and is open to all children.
Feed Our Children aims to provide meals to children who may otherwise go hungry during the summer months, when school is not in session. UWWC recognizes the importance of proper nutrition for the health and well-being of children in the community. The organization is committed to ensuring that all children have access to the food they need to grow and thrive.
“We are thrilled to launch the 22nd year of Feed Our Children and provide this vital service to children in Whiteside County,” said UWWC CEO, Keri Olson. “We recognize that hunger doesn’t take a break during the summer months, which is why we’re committed to providing free meals to children.”
In 2022, Feed Our Children served over 21,000 meals, representing a remarkable 50% increase from the previous year. Unfortunately, the program is facing significant challenges this year. Reduced SNAP benefits for many food-insecure families and rising grocery costs are expected to increase demand for meals. This surge in demand is happening at a time when United Way’s purchasing power is decreasing. This puts a considerable strain on the program’s funding.
Despite these challenges, UWWC remains committed to the program’s success. It is actively seeking support from donors and partners, to help ensure Feed Our Children can meet the demand for summer meals. It is planned to include four, bagged, complete meals in one large bag on Wednesdays–as long as the budget allows, said Olson. If funds become tight, she will have to revert to three guaranteed meals per week. Bags include fruit; juice box; granola bar; sweet treat; a main pasta or soup entree; packaged, peanut-butter-and-jelly-round; cereal.
Editor’s note: Cash donations are preferred, stated Olson. This allows for increased purchasing power from the Sauk Valley Foodbank; the average cost to UWWC is $0.18 per pound. $100 will purchase items to fill almost 100 bags with the typical seven items.
“We are grateful for the support of our donors and partners who have made this program possible,” said Olson. “Their generosity is a testament to the caring spirit of our communit[ies] and a commitment to address food insecurity in Whiteside County.”
Feed Our Children is open to all children, with no enrollment or qualification requirements. Meals will be served every Wednesday from 12:00 noon to 12:30 p.m., at 18 sites across the County, including parks, community centers, and schools, from Wednesday, May 31, through Wednesday, August 9.
A list of sites and serving times can be found at www.uwwhiteside.org. See the flyer below.
United Way is looking for additional donations and volunteers to support this program. Those interested can learn more at www.uwwhiteside.org or by contacting Keri Olson at 815-625-7973 or kolson@uwwhiteside.org.