Editor’s note: Jerry Brearton submitted the press release and photo.
On Monday, December 17, 2018, The American Legion Post 328 in Morrison, IL, delivered 38 “Gifts to Yanks That Gave” [https://giftstotheyanks.org] to veterans living in the three nursing homes in Morrison. Veteran residents are given a choice of usually three different gifts, which vary from year to year.
Pictured left-to-right are resident Ted Luther; Legionnaires Ken Petersen, Jerry Brearton, and Larry Zuidema; resident Jim Clary. Luther chose a blanket this year, while he wore his sweatshirt that he received last year. Clary had a chill, so he chose to drape his new blanket over his shoulders.
Both Ted Luther and Jim Clary are residents of Windsor Manor Assisted Living Community, 403 Scenic Street, Morrison.